Version: 3/20/2019 1
Administrative Master Syllabus
Course Information
Course Title
Community Dentistry
Course Prefix, Num. and Title
DHYG 1315 Community Dentistry
Allied Health
Dental Hygiene
Course Type
WECM Course
Course Catalog Description
The principles and concepts of community public health and dental education
emphasizing community assessment, education planning, implementation, and
evaluation including methods and materials used in teaching dental health education
in various community settings.
DHYG 1339, 1304, 1261, 1227, 1219 & 1207
Enter Co-Requisites Here.
Semester Credit Hours
Total Semester Credit Hours (SCH): Lecture Hours:
Lab/Other Hours
Equated Pay Hours
Lab/Other Hours Breakdown: Lab Hours
Lab/Other Hours Breakdown: Clinical Hours
Enter Clinical Hours Here.
Lab/Other Hours Breakdown: Practicum Hours
Enter Practicum Hours Here.
Other Hours Breakdown
List Total Lab/Other Hours Here.
Approval Signatures
Signature Date
Prepared by:
Department Head:
Division Chair:
Approved by CIR:
Carol Derkowski
Digitally signed by Carol Derkowski
Date: 2020.06.04 11:54:49 -05'00'
Carol Derkowski
Digitally signed by Carol Derkowski
Date: 2020.06.04 11:55:14 -05'00'
Carol Derkowski
Digitally signed by Carol Derkowski
Date: 2020.06.04 11:55:52 -05'00'
Paul J. Quinn
Digitally signed by Paul J. Quinn
Date: 2020.06.05 11:33:29 -05'00'
Paul J. Quinn
Digitally signed by Paul J. Quinn
Date: 2020.06.05 11:33:52 -05'00'
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Additional Course Information
Topical Outline: Each offering of this course must include the following topics (be sure to include information regarding lab,
practicum, and clinical or other non-lecture instruction).
1. Introduction
a. Course Objectives
b. Course Content
c. Course Requirements
e. Methods of Instruction
2. Professions of Dentistry & Hygiene
a. Characterizations of a Profession
b. Development of the Dental Profession
3. Need, Demand, & Utilization of Dental Services
a. Definitions
b. Utilization Rates
c. Patterns of Utilization
d. Barriers to Dental Treatment
e. Dental Care Delivery in the US and Global Community
f. Financing of Dental Care
4. Ethics in Dental Care
a. ADHA Code of Ethics
b. Maintaining Professional Competence
c. 4 Basic Principles Use in Ethical Dilemma Decision Making
d. Health CareA Right or Privilege?
5. Dental Public Health and The Preventive Movement
a. Definition
b. Historical Perspective of Public Health
c. Public Health Practice as Compared to Clinical Practice
d. Functions of Various Governmental Levels- Federal and State Legislation Affecting Dental Hygiene
6. Promotion of Oral Health and Advocacy for Dental Care
a. Definition
b. Attitudes
c. Cultural Diversity
d. Motivation Theories
e. Communication
f. Tobacco cessation
7. Dental Health Education Process
a. Identify Target Group and Needs
b. Establish goals
c. Establish Instructional Objectives
d. Design Learning Experience
e. Provide Instruction
f. Evaluate Learning
8. Community Programming
a. Needs Assessment
b. Planning
c. Implementation
d. Evaluation
9. Epidemiology
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a. Definition
b. Uses of Epidemiological Data
c. Relate Epidemiology to Evidence-based Practice
d. Define Common Epidemiologic Terms
e. Relate Measurement to Epidemiology
f. List and Describe Various Publications that Report Epidemiology in the US
g. Describe ways to Increase Validity of Epidemiologic Research Methods
h. Types of Dental Indices
1. Caries Experience
2. Periodontal and Gingival
3. Oral Hygiene
4. Dental Fluorosis
5. Used for Community-Based Oral Health Surveillance
10. Current Epidemiological Findings
a. Describe the Current Epidemiological Issued of Disease
b. Describe the Current Epidemiological Issues of Conditions
11. Biostatistics
a. Define and Describe Data Analysis and Interpretation
b. Identify Data by their Type and Scale of Measurement
c. Define and Describe Descriptive, Correlation, and Inferential Statistics
d. Select and Compute appropriate measures of Central Tendency and Measured of Dispersion for various
types of data
e. Describe Frequency Distribution and Graphs for various types of data
f. Select appropriate Inferential Statistical Test for various types of data
g. Interpret Research Results
h. Scales of Measurement
12. Evaluation the Dental Literature and Dental Products
a. Describe how to evaluate dental care products
b. Defend the dental hygienists’ value in advocating the use of effective dental care products and
treatment modalities
c. Educate the public in evaluation dental care products
d. Effectively critique dental research reported in dental and lay publications
13. Water Fluoridation on a Community Level
a. Definition
b. History
c. Benefits/Effectiveness
d. School-Based Community Prevention Programs
e. Promotion of Fluoridation on the Community Level
14. Political Arena
15. Leadership in a Fluoridation Campaign
16. Opposition
17. Public Health Sealant Programs
a. Application
b. Effectiveness
c. Cost
d. Practicality
18. Careers and Creating Positions in Dental Public Health
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Course Learning Outcomes:
Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
1.Design a dental hygiene education program that meets the needs of a target population.
2.Differentiate the governmental, sociological, environmental and cultural concerns of the community.
3.Describe the principles and concerns of community public and dental health education and evaluation.
Methods of Assessment:
1.DentalHygiene Education Project & exams
2.Power Point with oral report & exams
3.Dental hygiene Education Project & exams
Required text(s), optional text(s) and/or materials to be supplied by the student:
Nathe, Christine, Dental Public Health-Contemporary Practice for the Dental Hygienist. Pearson Prentice Hall,
Fourth Edition. New Jersey 2017
Wilkins, Esther M., Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist. 12th Ed. Williams & Wilkins: Baltimore, 2013.
Suggested Course Maximum:
List any specific or physical requirements beyond a typical classroom required to teach the
Power Point and Internet connectivity
Course Requirements/Grading System: Describe any course specific requirements such as research papers or
reading assignments and the generalized grading format for the course.
Grading Scale:
A = 100-93
B = 92-84
C = 83-75 A minimum grade of “C” must be met to pass the course.
D =74-67
F = 66 and below
Grading Formula:
Oral report on Cultural Group = 20%
Unit examinations (4 5) = 25%
Final examination = 25%
DHEP = 25%
Homework and pop quiz = 5%
A minimum grade of 75 is required to pass the course
Curriculum Checklist:
Administrative General Education Course (from ACGM, but not in WCJC Core)No additional documents
Administrative WCJC Core Course. Attach the Core Curriculum Review Forms
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Critical Thinking
Empirical & Quantitative Skills
Social Responsibility
Personal Responsibility
WECM Course -If needed, revise the Program SCANS Matrix and Competencies Checklist