Version: 3/20/2019 1
Administrative Master Syllabus
Course Information
Course Title
Curriculum Resources for Early Childhood Programs
Course Prefix, Num. and Title
CDEC 1313
Technology & Business
Education & Early childhood
Course Type
WECM Course
Course Catalog Description
A study of the fundamentals of developmentally appropriate curriculum design and
implementation in early care and education programs for children birth through age
Semester Credit Hours
Total Semester Credit Hours (SCH): Lecture Hours:
Lab/Other Hours
Equated Pay Hours
Lab/Other Hours Breakdown: Lab Hours
Lab/Other Hours Breakdown: Clinical Hours
Lab/Other Hours Breakdown: Practicum Hours
Other Hours Breakdown
Approval Signatures
Prepared by:
Department Head:
Division Chair:
Approved by CIR:
Barbara Lynn
Digitally signed by Barbara Lynn
Date: 2020.05.13 15:01:28 -05'00'
Barbara Lynn
Digitally signed by Barbara Lynn
Date: 2020.05.13 15:02:40 -05'00'
David Kucera
Digitally signed by David Kucera
DN: cn=David Kucera, o=Wharton County Junior College, ou=Division of
Technology and Business,, c=US
Date: 2020.05.15 10:29:07 -05'00'
Paul J. Quinn
Digitally signed by Paul J. Quinn
Date: 2020.05.18 13:10:36 -05'00'
Paul J. Quinn
Digitally signed by Paul J. Quinn
Date: 2020.05.18 13:11:02 -05'00'
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Version: 3/20/2019 2
Additional Course Information
Topical Outline: Each offering of this course must include the following topics (be sure to include information regarding lab,
practicum, and clinical or other non-lecture instruction).
Defining Developmentally Appropriate Practice
Play and stages of play
Creating Curriculum using Pre-K Guidelines and The TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills); Components of the
Lesson Plan
Language/Literacy, listening, speaking, reading, writing
Literature as a means of teaching children in all subject areas: “Bibliotherapy”- Literature that heals
Scheduling and environments that promote safety and
Mathematics and logical reasoning
Routines-the curriculum for infants and toddlers
Adapting lessons for children with disabilities;
Art Experiences with Children
Sensory Centers
Fine motor tasks/Gross Motor Tasks
Music and Movement;
Dramatic Play and Creative Dramatics
Self Help Skills
Science concepts; hands-on activities
Social Studies
Observation, assessment, and evaluation of student performance to create curriculum
Reinforcing the curriculum in children’s homes/ Family involvement
Professional and Ethical Conduct and Demeanor
Course Learning Outcomes:
Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
1. Define developmentally appropriate practices;
2. Describe the process of child-centered curriculum development;
3. Develop guidelines for creating learning environments;
4. Describe teacher roles in early childhood classrooms;
5. Prepare a developmentally appropriate schedule including routines and transitions;
6. Select, plan, implement, and evaluate developmentally appropriate learning experiences for children
7. Design a week of lesson plans for
one group of children ages birth-grade including learning objectives, procedures, materials, and evaluation
8. Communicate thoughts, ideas, information, and messages in writing in a weekly journal (which may be
submitted online in a hybrid section).
Methods of Assessment:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7. Midterm and final exam (and
any other tests or quizzes deemed necessary by the instructor); grade of 70 indicates mastery. The midterm
exam must include at least one essay question to assess higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
1, 2, 3, In class assignments-designing lesson plans for all content areas.
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Term project which includes a schedule, plan for the indoor and outdoor
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learning environments, and lessons centered around one theme for one age group. Lessons will be submitted in
increments so that instructors can provide feedback to students in the completion of the project. The project
will be graded with a departmental rubric with a
minimum grade of 70 points indicating
mastery. Students will share a portion of their project informally in class.
8. In-class journal entries factored into the
attendance/ participation grade (which may be submitted online in a hybrid section).
Required text(s), optional text(s) and/or materials to be supplied by the student:
Beaver, N., Wyatt, S. & Jackman, H.L. (most recent edition). Early education curriculum: A child’s connection to the
world. Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning,
Bredekamp, S. & Copple, C. (most recent edition). Developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs.
Washington, DC: NAEYC.
Beaty J. J. (most recent edition). Skills for preschool teachers. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Suggested Course Maximum:
List any specific or physical requirements beyond a typical classroom required to teach the
Course Requirements/Grading System: Describe any course specific requirements such as research papers or
reading assignments and the generalized grading format for the course.
90-100-A Excellent Work
80-89-B Good Work
70-79 C Average Work
60-69 D Minimal Level of Work
59 and below- F Does not pass course standards
Tests-60% (minimum of midterm and final)
Term Project-30%
Class Attendance and Journal Reflections-10%
Curriculum Checklist:
Administrative General Education Course (from ACGM, but not in WCJC Core)No additional documents
Administrative WCJC Core Course. Attach the Core Curriculum Review Forms
Critical Thinking
Empirical & Quantitative Skills
Social Responsibility
Personal Responsibility
WECM Course -If needed, revise the Program SCANS Matrix and Competencies Checklist