Winthrop University
Adjunct Faculty Annual Report Form
Current Reporting Period (terms & years)
Name: Department: Years at Winthrop
(Include current year)
Highest Degree Completed: Year Completed
Indicate additional degrees, certificates, licenses, and honors received during the reporting period
Indicate institutes, courses, workshops, etc. in which you have participated during the reporting period
Teaching Assignments
Course Designator & Number Enrollment Course Designator & Number Enrollment
Reflection on Teach
Evaluate your teaching in each course taught. Note significant changes and/or innovations, strengths and weaknesses,
class interaction, rapport with students, etc. Discuss progress toward goals identified in previous annual reports and/or
evaluations. Append, if available, summaries of student evaluations.
Report of Scholarly Work (Optional)
List and describe specific scholarly activities. Include research, creative activities, publications, grant submissions,
etc. When appropriate include bibliographic citations and attach reprints, reviews, etc. (You may request that these be
returned to you.) Discuss progress toward goals identified in previous annual reports and/or evaluations.
Report on Professional Service & Academic Responsibility (Optional)
Professional Activity and Service
Discuss progress toward goals identified in previous annual reports and/or evaluations.
Memberships in professional
Offices and committee
assignments in professional
Attendance at and
participation in professional
meetings, not previously
Talks to professional groups
and unremunerated
Service including consultation
for which remuneration was
Institutional Activity and Service
Discuss progress toward goals identified in previous annual reports and/or evaluations.
List committee, task force, or
working group; specify level
(i.e. departmental); and briefly
describe involvement.
Service to students not
previously noted.
Other institutional service.
Community Activity and Service
Discuss progress toward goals identified in previous annual reports and/or evaluations.
Indicate activity, agency, and
briefly describe involvement.