Adjunct Faculty Teaching Evaluation Form
Supervising department chairs or program coordinators should complete this form for each adjunct faculty
member who taught at least one course during the current academic year. For the complete adjunct faculty
evaluation process see the “Adjunct Faculty Teaching Review Policy” available on the Academic Affairs
Forms and Resources page.
Name of adjunct faculty member:
Name(s) of reviewer:
Courses taught in past year:
Please evaluate the criteria below based on your review of syllabus, students’ grades, students’
evaluations of teaching, and the instructor’s statement. If the reviewer prefers, criteria may be
scored separately for each course listed above (attach additional copies of the table below).
1. The instructor’s syllabi are carefully crafted, well organized,
and contain appropriate information.
2. Amount and type of readings and other teaching materials for
the courses seem appropriate.
3. Assignments (tests and other graded work) assess the student’s
4. The courses are effectively organized.
5. The instructor is well-prepared for classes.
6. The courses demand an appropriate level of intellectual
rigor for students.
7. Grading criteria are clear and implemented as stated on syllabus.
8. The instructor maintains regular office hours or
otherwise makes himself/herself available to students
for questions and assistance.
9. The instructor serves as an available and helpful
10. The instructor behaves in a professional manner toward
students and colleagues and follows university policies
and meets administrative deadlines.
Revised 8/9/2013