Additional Unit Authorization
Policy on Undergraduate Unit Load Limitation
An undergraduate student in good academic standing may enroll in up to 18 units without advisor approval.
Students who wish to enroll in more than 18 units
are required to have written approval from the chair or faculty
advisor in the student's declared major or written approval from an academic advisor. If the student has not yet
declared a major, written approval from an academic advisor is required. Undergraduate students on academic
probation may enroll in up to 14 units without advisor approval. Students on academic probation who wish to
enroll in more than 14 units are required to have an academic advisor’s written approval.
Name: ____________________________ Student ID: __________________ E-Mail__________________________
Major: ___________________ Academic Level: __________________ Term: ___________ Year:_______
CI Campus GPA*: ________ Major GPA*: ________ Cumulative GPA*: ________
*GPA information is located in the "Current Academic Summary" section of your CI Academic Requirements Report in myCI - CI Records
List all courses you propose to complete for the semester:
Total Number of Units Requested: _______
Please provide a brief explanation why you are requesting additional units: _______________________________
___________________________________________________________________(continue writing on back, if needed)
Student's Signature: ____________________________________ Date: __________________________
te: If you are taking primarily general education courses, please seek academic advisor approval. If you are taking
primarily major courses, please seek program chair/advisor approval. Bring the completed form to the Enrollment Center,
Sage Hall, for processing
Program Chair/ Academic Advisor's Signature: _____________________________ Date: _____________
Program Chair/ Academic Advisor's Name (Print): ____________________________________________
Administrative Use Only – Registrar’s Office Revised 04/22/2019
Processed by: _______________________ PS Update: ________________________ Student Notification: _______________________
Registrar’s Office
One University Drive
Camarillo, CA 93012
Phone: (805) 437-8500