Rev. 6.30.15
Additional Health Information & Epi-Pen Form
Participant Name: _________________________________________________________
Health Insurance Provider: _______________________________ Plan or Group # ______________________________
Participant’s Physician: __________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________
Medical Conditions/Behavioral Issues
Does the Participant suffer from Asthma?
If yes, is the Participant’s asthma exercise induced?
Does the Participant carry a rescue inhaler?
Has the Participant been diagnosed with Hypertension?
Has the Participant been diagnosed with Diabetes?
Has the Participant been diagnosed with Epilepsy/Seizures?
Has the Participant been diagnosed with Heart Disease?
Does the Participant wear prescription eye glasses or contacts?
Does the Participant have any behavioral issues?
If yes, describe the behavioral issue, triggers, and suggestions for assisting Participant:
Has the Participant been diagnosed with any other medical conditions not listed above?
If yes, describe the medical conditions: _______________________________________
Please list any medication the Participant is currently taking and why:
(Attach Additional Sheet if Necessary)
Does the Participant have any life threatening allergies? (food, medication, plants, animals, insects, etc.) Yes ______ No _______
Participant’s anaphylaxis triggers are:
_____ Peanuts ______ Nuts _____ All Dairy ______ Eggs ______ Shellfish _____ Fish
_____ Food Additives, list: _________________________________________________________________________
_____ Insects/Bites, list: __________________________________________________________________________
_____ Medications, list: ___________________________________________________________________________
_____ Other, list: ________________________________________________________________________________
Participant’s anaphylaxis symptoms usually are:
____ Swelling (eyes, lips, face, tongue) ____ Coughing/Choking ____ Difficulty Breathing/Swallowing ____ Vomiting
____ Stomach Cramps/Diarrhea ____ Flushed Face/Body ____ Dizziness/Confusion ____ Change of Voice
____ Fainting/Loss of Consciousness ____ Cold, Clammy, Sweaty Skin ____ Other, list ____________________________
Participant’s emergency treatment is:
____ Anti-Histamine (list precise measuring instrument, specific brand, and dosage): __________________________
____ Epi-Pen Other, list: ________________________________________________________