Addendum "G"
Fax To:
From (office):
NOV 20
We cannot accept handwritten forms.
Do not hand write anywhere on the forms(except for the signature), otherwise
processing will be delayed.
To ensure forms are processed timely, please adhere to the following instructions :
o Enter all information online(Google Chrome or Internet Explorer work best).
o Press the tab key after each entry to move from field to field.
We’re always looking for ways to protect our member’s information and keep your account
secure. That’s why we’d like to connect your online account to an email address that’s related
to your business rather than a public email provider such as Hotmail, Gmail or Yahoo.
If you have a company email address, please include it on your request for access or changes to
your Provider Secured Services account at If you’re not sure whether a company
email address is available to you, check with your website administrator. Most websites offer a
domain email free with your account. If you’re a smaller practice that doesn’t host a website,
we’ll accept your request with the email you use to conduct your business.
Practice or Facility Name Contact Person
Street Address and Suite Number
Contact Person's Telephone and Extension
State Zip Code
Contact Person's company issued email address
Provider Group Name
Type 2 NPI(s)
Provider Enrollment and Change Self-Service Access Request
(Type or Print Full Name of Each User)
Telephone Number
Provider Secured Services
Provider Enrollment and
Change Self-Service
Basic Access
Provider Enrollment and
Change Self-Service
Full Access
John Doe
111-222-3333 F000000
Provider Enrollment and Change Self-Service Authorization
By signing below, I represent and warrant that I am an authorized group representative; I have been granted, by corporate resolution or otherwise, full legal authority
to enter into and bind my provider group to agreements. I understand, acknowledge, and attest that the user(s) listed on this Addendum have the authority to
perform all transactions associated with the requested features on behalf of the Provider Group, Individual Provider, and/or Provider Organization, and that I (as the
Provider Group, Individual Provider, and/or Provider Organization) am responsible for all actions undertaken by the listed individuals.
Note: This is an Addendum to the Provider Secured Services Use and Protection Agreement and does not alter the terms set forth therein.
Name of Authorized Group Representative Title of Authorized Group Representative
Signature of Authorized Group Representative
Handwritten signature only
Please complete electronically
Authorization for Provider Enrollment and Change Self-Service
WF 16643 NOV 20
Section 1.
Section 3.
Provider Enrollment and Change Self-Service Basic Access: Allows users to maintain group demographics and composition only.
Provider Enrollment and Change Self-Service Full Access: Allows users to maintain group demographics and composition plus the ability to enroll and add new
practitioners to the group.
Each transaction creates an audit trail and provides user controlled demographic changes with the ability to check the status of your change requests online anytime
with a few mouse clicks.
Section 5.
Fax to 800-495-0812 or for questions call 877-258-3932
Section 2.
Select one role
Remove Provider Enrollment and Change Self-Service Access
Section 4.
John Doe
John Doe
or Print Full Name of Each User)
Telephone Number
Provider Secured
e or Print Full Name of Each User)
Telephone Number
Provider Secured
Type 2 NPI(s) to remove
© 1996-2015 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network are nonprofit corporations and independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.