Rev 4/1/2020 Addendum to ED-110 or ED-112 - Page 1
Addendum – Conversion of Approved Pre Licensing Classroom Course to
Host/Remote Pre Licensing Course
The purpose of this “Addendum” to the ED-110-PE or ED-112-PE Pre License Course Application (previously
approved by the ADRE) applies only to an already approved ADRE Pre Licensing course, and is to allow for a
conversion of the approved Pre Licensing Live Classroom course to accommodate a Host/Remote Delivery, rather than
the traditional Live Classroom delivery. This conversion opportunity is being offered on a temporary basis in response
to the Social Distancing concerns around COVID-19. The Host/Remote Delivery approval will expire upon the
completion of the approved “Addendum” converted course completion date. Any subsequent course conversions must
be approved by ADRE. The Arizona Department of Real Estate (ADRE) recognizes that many Arizona Pre Licensing
education providers may need to move to a host/remote delivery, using live streaming services for in-class Pre
Licensing programs that are currently in process. The Arizona approved Pre Licensing School may at its discretion, and
out of necessity, utilize a live streaming service of its choice, as long as the Pre Licensing program remains with a
student seat time requirement of 90 hours, is monitored by a live instructor, and, with documentation of the student seat
time and attendance. An ADRE approved instructor can deliver instruction from their home. The exception to this is no
quizzes, tests or final exams may be given via a live-stream method. Final school exams must be given in person at the
approved Pre Licensing School. Please advise all students that the Pearson VUE state exam may be delayed. All
providers should effectively communicate and receive written consent of each student to convert to a Host/Remote
This Addendum is to the currently approved ED-110-PE ED-112-PE (Select only one) Course Number:
The approved ED-110 or ED-112 must be included with this addendum Yes
Is this a shared course? Yes No If a shared course, please submit a separate addendum
1. Instruction/Delivery Methods Host/Remote Location
a. Host/Remote Location: Are Pre Licensing classes delivered by a live ADRE Approved Pre Licensing instructor to remote
classrooms/individuals through synchronous delivery platforms with real time audio and video, such as satellite broadcasting or third
party technology facilitators Webex Zoom Google Other:_____________________ Yes No
2. Host/Remote Class Requirements
a. Host/Remote courses have a synchronized platform, which includes bi-directional audio and video communication between the
approved instructor and the individuals/classroom? Yes No
b. Host course has an approved Arizona Licensed Pre Licensing Instructor that monitors attendance and student engagement
activities and follow prescribed guidelines? Yes No
c. Course instructor is able to visually monitor the remote individuals at all times? Yes No
d. Course contains student-instructor interactivity and allows for students to view material and ask questions to
the instructor via Email Chat VOIP Phoneline or Other electronic means? Yes No
Please specify if other: ___________________________
e. Attached here is a roster of enrolled students including: Name Phone # Email Address of each student
Each course topic completed Number of clock hours already completed Yes No
f. The original beginning and end date of the classroom course:
g. The date the classroom delivery will move to the Host/Remote delivery:
h. Expected course end date:
i. School location where the approved instructor will deliver the Host/Remote Course:
j. Date and location for the final school exam:
k. How will students identity be verified, attendance monitored, and seat time confirmed during the Host/Remote Class?
l. Provide the access code “invite” to the Host/Remote Course:
a. Upon completion of the Host/Remote Course, the School shall provide ADRE with documentation for each student receiving the
course completion certificate. Yes No
School Attestation
By my signature below, I attest that I have thoroughly reviewed this Addendum and hereby approve of the submitted course
application, outline and any other course materials. I understand that in the event there has been any misrepresentation or willful
omission in this application or any attachments, any school approval, is subject to suspension or revocation at any time.
Administrators Name (print): Title:
Administrators Signature: Date: