Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
Request to Add Personnel to IACUC Protocol(s)
Request Date:
Protocol(s) #
and Title
In accordance with IACUC policy, all personnel conducting animal-based research must complete an investigator training course
and verify their training, experience and skills in the care and use of the animals and techniques they are responsible for.
Personnel participating in the project must complete the online investigator training course once every three years. The addition
of personnel will not be approved until all personnel have completed their investigator training.
*Exemption from wet lab training for specific procedures needed for the protocol(s) may be obtained by a separate written request
to the IACUC. Training wet labs will be scheduled on an ‘as needed’ basis.
For training information or to submit an exemption request from wet lab training, please contact Ms. Krista Adams, IACUC
Manager, at IACUC@lsu.edu.
Please indicate who will train individuals for participation in protocol procedures? Answer in the block below.
Occupational Health and Safety
It is the responsibility of the principal investigator to conduct a hazard analysis and risk assessment to determine if personnel
involved in the proposed study should participate in the Occupational Health and Safety Program administered through DLAM
and the Student Health Center. Currently, there is no direct cost for participation in the program.
The Division of Laboratory Animal Medicine operates an Occupational Health Program (OHP). Participation is voluntary, and
is open to all personnel with direct or indirect contact with animals used in teaching and research, their bodily products, or
materials to which they may be exposed, as described in the protocol. However, participation is mandatory for personnel
working on BSL3 projects. Please contact Ms. Krista Adams to obtain these forms. Eligible persons include facility services
personnel, animal caretakers, principal investigators, technical staff, graduate and other student workers, and post-doctoral and
visiting scientists. All medical information is kept confidential, and is retained by the Student Health Center or personal
physician. Personnel have the right to refuse any and all procedures recommended.
Species Wet Lab
Taken? Indicate
Yes or No
Date Wet Lab
Attended or
Yes or No*
*A OHSP Waiver Form should be completed if participation is selected as No.
Approved: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________
Frank M. Andrews, DVM, MS, DACVIM (LAIM)
Chair, IACUC
Choose Yes/No
Choose Yes/No
Choose Yes/No