Add/Drop Form
Student Name (Last, First)
Reasons for Add: PR=Prerequisite Override WL=Waitlist Override LR= Late Registration CF=Course Full
A=Audit Course O=Other (Specify) ________________________________
_________________________________________________________ ________________________________
SIGNATURE OF ADVISOR and/or DEAN (for other requests) DATE
Check box if dropping ALL courses for the semester
Check box if requesting a Voluntary Medical Leave
* Documentation of health condition must be provided by a
medical or mental health professional.
Your Add/Drop request could affect your tuition, financial aid, and your anticipated graduation date. Some courses are offered on a limited basis and may not
be offered for several semesters. An Add/Drop request received after the last day to Add/Drop will be considered a withdrawal resulting in a grade of “W”. If you
have questions about impacts, check with your advisor to determine the likely consequences. Signing below, you acknowledge that you have been advised of the
consequences and responsibilities of adding/dropping the course(s) listed above.
_________________________________________________________ ________________________________
Registrar’s Office Use Only
Processed by: Date Received:
Date received/processed by the Registrar’s Office is considered the formal date of notification to add/drop classes
e: Add/Drop requests may not be processed if registration holds exist. Students will not be added into closed course(s) without appropriate
signature approval. Student Emailed
Instructor Signature Required for
Late Registration, Full Course
Admittance, Audits, and Prerequisite
Overrides (print and sign)
for Add