Colleges of the Redwoods Workforce & Community Education Classes are primarily designed for adult
learners therefore I understand that my minor student will be attending class with other adults from the
public at large. I understand that the instructors teaching community education classes are not required
to get finger printed.
For and in consideration of permitting ___________________________________________________
to participate in all activities associated with _________________________________________ in the
counties of Del Norte, Humboldt and/or Trinity, State of California starting on ____________ and ending
on _________, the undersigned hereby voluntarily releases, discharges, waives and relinquishes any and
all actions or causes of action for personal injury, property damage or wrongful death occurring to
his/her minor child arising as a result of engaging or receiving instructions in said activity or any activities
incidental thereto wherever or however the same may occur and continue, and the undersigned does
for him/herself, his/her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns hereby release, waive, discharge
and relinquish any action or cause of action, aforesaid, which may hereafter arise his/her minor child
personal injury, property damage or wrongful death against Redwood Community College District or any
of its officers, agents or employee for any of said causes of action, whether the same shall arise by
negligence of said persons or otherwise.
It is the intention of ____________________________ (parent’s name) by this instrument, to exempt
and relieves Redwoods Community College District from liability for personal injury, property damage or
wrongful death caused by negligence.
The undersigned, for his/her minor child, heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, agrees that in the
event any claim for personal injury, property damage or wrongful death shall be prosecuted against
Redwoods Community College District, he/she shall indemnify and save harmless the same Redwoods
Community College District from any claims or causes of action by whomever made or presented for
personal injuries, property damage or wrongful death.
The undersigned acknowledges that he/she has read the foregoing Waiver of Liability Notice and the
foregoing (3) three paragraphs, has been fully and completely advised of the potential dangers
incidental to engaging in the activity of Community Education adult classes, and is fully aware of the
legal consequences of signing the within instrument.
Signature (Parent/Guardian of child under18 years of age) Date
College of the Redwoods Community College District
Activity Waiver, Release & Indemnity Agreement
For a student under age 18 to attend an Adult Workforce & Community Education Class
click to sign
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