© Argosy Publishing, Inc., 2007-2018. All Rights Reserved.
1. Launch the view!
Launch Human Anatomy Atlas.
Navigate to Quizzes/Lab Activities, find the Skull Bones Lab section.
Launch Augmented Reality mode and scan the image below.
Don’t have AR? Select view 1. Skull.
2. Explore the skull bones.
Select the structures, read their definitions, and study the hierarchy breadcrumb trail.
In the table, use this information to classify the skull bones in the word bank as either facial
bones or braincase bones.
Name: __________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________
Activity 1: Skull Bones Lab
© Argosy Publishing, Inc., 2007-2018. All Rights Reserved.
Name: __________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________
Facial Bones Braincase
Nasal bone
Occipital bone
Palatine bone
Parietal bone
Sphenoid bone
Temporal bone
Zygomatic bone
Word bank:
Ethmoid bone
Frontal bone
Inferior nasal conchae
Lacrimal bone
1. Launch the view!
Launch Human Anatomy Atlas.
Navigate to Quizzes/Lab Activities, find the Skull Bones Lab section.
Launch Augmented Reality mode and scan the image below.
Don’t have AR? Select view 1. Skull.
2. Label the image.
Explore the 3D model of the skull to locate the anatomy in the structure list.
Use the structure list to label the image.
Name: __________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________
Activity 2: Skull Bones Lab
© Argosy Publishing, Inc., 2007-2018. All Rights Reserved.
Structure list:
1. Inferior nasal concha
2. Lacrimal
3. Mandible
4. Nasal
5. Vomer
6. Zygomatic
© Argosy Publishing, Inc., 2007-2018. All Rights Reserved.
1. Launch the view!
Launch Human Anatomy Atlas.
Navigate to Quizzes/Lab Activities, find the Skull Bones Lab section.
Launch Augmented Reality mode and scan the image below.
Don’t have AR? Select view 2. Braincase.
2. Label the image.
Explore the 3D model of the braincase to locate the anatomy in the structure list.
Use the structure list to label the image.
Name: __________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________
Activity 3: Skull Bones Lab
Structure list:
1. Ethmoid
2. Frontal
3. Occipital
4. Parietal
5. Sphenoid
6. Temporal
© Argosy Publishing, Inc., 2007-2018. All Rights Reserved.
1. Launch the view!
Launch Human Anatomy Atlas.
Navigate to Quizzes/Lab Activities, find the Skull Bones Lab section.
Launch Augmented Reality mode and scan the image below.
Don’t have AR? Select view 3. Bones of the Orbit.
2. Label the image.
The orbits are the cavities in the skull that protect the eyes.
Explore the 3D model of the skull to locate the anatomy in the structure list.
Use the structure list to label the image.
Name: __________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________
Activity 4: Skull Bones Lab
Structure list:
1. Ethmoid
2. Frontal
3. Lacrimal
4. Maxilla
5. Sphenoid
6. Zygomatic
© Argosy Publishing, Inc., 2007-2018. All Rights Reserved.
1. Launch the view!
Launch Human Anatomy Atlas.
Navigate to Quizzes/Lab Activities, find the Skull Bones Lab section.
Launch Augmented Reality mode and scan the image below.
Don’t have AR? Select view 4. Disarticulated Skull.
2. Explore the animated skull.
Note that this is an animated skull model.
Observe how the bones fit together.
Name: __________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________
Activity 5: Skull Bones Lab