© Argosy Publishing, Inc., 2007-2018. All Rights Reserved.
1. Launch the view!
Launch Human Anatomy Atlas.
Navigate to Quizzes/Lab Activities, find the Pulmonary Circulation Lab section.
Launch Augmented Reality mode and scan the image below.
Don’t have AR? Select view 1. Heart Section.
2. Label the image.
Explore the 3D model of the heart to locate the anatomy in the structure list.
Use the structure list to label the image.
Name: __________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________
Activity 1: Pulmonary Circulation Lab
Structure list:
1. Aortic valve
2. Left atrium
3. Left ventricle
4. Mitral valve
5. Pulmonary valve
6. Right atrium
7. Right ventricle
8. Tricuspid valve
© Argosy Publishing, Inc., 2007-2018. All Rights Reserved.
1. Launch the view!
Launch Human Anatomy Atlas.
Navigate to Quizzes/Lab Activities, find the Pulmonary Circulation Lab section.
Launch Augmented Reality mode and scan the image below.
Don’t have AR? Select view 2. Pulmonary Circulation.
2. Explore the anatomy related to pulmonary circulation.
Find the structures in the word bank. Be sure to select the book icon to read each definition.
Using this information, organize the structures in the word bank into two groups: Structures
that carry deoxygenated blood and structures that carry oxygenated blood.
Name: __________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________
Activity 2: Pulmonary Circulation Lab
© Argosy Publishing, Inc., 2007-2018. All Rights Reserved.
Name: __________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________
Deoxygenated Blood Oxygenated Blood
Pulmonary arteries
Pulmonary valve
Pulmonary veins
Right atrium
Right ventricle
Tricuspid valve
Vena cava
Word bank:
Aortic valve
Left atrium
Left ventricle
Mitral valve
© Argosy Publishing, Inc., 2007-2018. All Rights Reserved.
1. Launch the view!
Launch Human Anatomy Atlas.
Navigate to Quizzes/Lab Activities, find the Pulmonary Circulation Lab section.
Launch Augmented Reality mode and scan the image below.
Don’t have AR? Select view 2. Pulmonary Circulation.
2. Explore the model.
Using the information you find on these structures, reorganize the list below so it correctly
follows the path of deoxygenated blood into the heart and out to the lungs.
Name: __________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________
Activity 3: Pulmonary Circulation Lab
Right atrium > pulmonary valve > superior or inferior vena cava > right ventricle > lungs >
tricuspid valve > pulmonary arteries
© Argosy Publishing, Inc., 2007-2018. All Rights Reserved.
1. Launch the view!
Launch Human Anatomy Atlas.
Navigate to Quizzes/Lab Activities, find the Pulmonary Circulation Lab section.
Launch Augmented Reality mode and scan the image below.
Don’t have AR? Select view 2. Pulmonary Circulation.
2. Explore the model.
Using the information you find on these structures, reorganize the list below so it correctly
follows the path of oxygenated blood into the heart and out to the lungs.
Name: __________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________
Activity 4: Pulmonary Circulation Lab
Pulmonary veins > left atrium > bicuspid valve > left ventricle > aortic valve > aorta > lungs > body