Instructions: This survey is part of evaluating the effectiveness of the College Planning Council.
Responses are anonymous. Survey results will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the College
Planning Council and to make recommendations for improvement. After rating each item you have
an opportunity to provide open-ended comments.
In responding to the survey items select from: Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, or Strongly
Disagree. If you don't believe you have sufficient information or experience to rate the item, don't
respond to the particular item. If you choose Disagree or Strongly Disagree as a response for an
item, it will helpful from a continuous improvement standpoint for you to provide a comment that
explains your reason for disagreeing. If you have a suggestion for making improvements, provide
the suggestion also in the comment section.
The survey must be completed by March 31, 2017, 5:00 p.m.
1. Instructions