Employee Accident or Illness Report
Note: This report must be completed and sent to Rhatigan Student Center (RSC) Human Resources within 24 hours
from the accident/illness.
Injured Person:
Student Employee
First Middle Last
Home Telephone (include area code)
RSC department
Date of injury or occupational illness
Date Hour
Date disability began (if other than above)
What safety equipment was being used at the time of the injury?
Location of accident or exposure. (If the accident or exposure occurred on WSU premises, indicate the campus
location. If the accident or exposure occurred outside the WSU premises at an identifiable address, list that address. If
the accident or exposure occurred on a public highway or at any other location that cannot be identified by a number
and street, please provide references locating the place of accident or exposure as accurately as possible.
How did the accident or exposure occur? (Describe fully the events which resulted in the injury or occupational
illness. Tell what happened and how it happened. Name any objects or substances involved and tell how they were
involved. Give full details on all factors which led or contributed to the accident or exposure. Use a separate sheet for
additional space, if necessary.)
What was the employee doing when he or she was injured? (Be specific. If the employee was using tools or
equipment or handling material, name them and tell what the employee was doing with them.)
Name the object or substance which directly injured the employee. (For example, identify the machine or thing
that the employee struck against or which struck the employee; the poison inhaled or swallowed; the chemical or
radiation which irritated the skin; or, in the case of strains, hernias, and so forth, the object the employee was lifting,
pulling, and so on.)
Describe the injury or illness in detail and indicate the part of the body affected. (For example, the amputation of
the right index finger at the second joint, fracture of the ribs, or dermatitis of the left hand.)
Name of witness(es) (if applicable)
Was the employee given first aid?
Who administered the first aid?
WSU Student Health Services
Other (Please specify.)
Was medical treatment required?
Who provided the medical treatment? (Please check all that apply.)
Via Christi Clinic Occupational Medicine
Via Christi Clinic Immediate Care
Wesley Medical Center Emergency Room
If employee was admitted, please provide the date
Other hospital emergency room (name & address)
If employee was admitted, please provide the date
Other physician (name & address)
Did the employee die?
No If “Yes,” please provide the date
Has the employee returned to work?
No If “Yes,” please provide the date
Is the employee on
Regular duty
Light duty
The dates of the employee’s lost work days run from
(Do not include the date of the accident. The date the employee returned to work may have to be telephoned later to
RSC Human Resources ext. 3487.)
Date of report
Prepared by
Employee or Supervisor
Name of employee’s immediate supervisor
Please forward to Rhatigan Student Center Human Resources, Box 56, within 24 hours of the accident/illness.
Rhatigan Student Center Accident Illness Report Revised 02/01/12