(To be completed by the employee's supervisor or other responsible administrative official.)
Location where accident occurred: Employer's Premises: Yes No Date of accident or illness:
Job site: Yes No
Who was injured? Employee Non-employee Time of accident a.m.
If non-employee, specify______________________ p.m.
Length of time with firm: Job title or occupation: Name of dept. normally assigned to: How long has employee worked at job
where injury or illness occurred?
What property/equipment was damaged? Property/equipment owned by:
What was employee doing when injury/illness occurred? What machine or tool was being used? What type of operation?
Part of body affected/injured? Any prior physical conditions? If so, what?
Yes No
Nature and extent of injury/illness and property damaged (be specific):
____ Failure to lockout ____ Improper maintenance ____ Poor housekeeping
____ Failure to secure ____ Improper protective equipment ____ Poor ventilation
____ Horseplay ____ Inoperative safety device ____ Unsafe arrangement or process
____ Improper dress ____ Lack of training or skill ____ Unsafe equipment
____ Improper guarding ____ Operating without authority ____ Unsafe position
____ Improper instruction ____ Physical or mental impairment ____ Other ______________________
Supervisor's corrective action to ensure this type of accident does not recur: ________________________________________
Was employee trained in the appropriate use of Personal Protective Equipment/proper safety procedures? ...Yes ___ No ____
Was employee using the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment/proper safety procedures at the time? .... Yes ___ No ____
Did employee promptly report the injury/illness? ..............................................................................................Yes ___ No ____
Is there modified duty available? ........................................................................................................................Yes ___ No ____
Supervisor's name Supervisor's signature Phone # Date
Chesapeake Employers' Insurance Company • 8722 Loch Raven Boulevard, Towson, MD 21286-2235 • www.ceiwc.com
Rev. 3/14
Form may be copied as needed.
Supervisor's Accident
Investigation Form
Policy #:
How did injury/illness occur? List all objects and substances involved.
Was the accident the result of another party's negligence? If so, name of the negligent party:
Do you have any concerns about this alleged accident or injury? If so, please specify:
Note: form must be signed by hand