Doc# 448660 Page 7 of 9 Sheet IS-115
Other Facilities Used by People with Disabilities
(In order for persons with disabilities to carry out “normal activities and processes in that building” as per
the Building Act 2004, section 118 (1) (b) ).
Fitting rooms in clothes shops having 1500mm diameter turning circle, clothes hooks at 1350mm max,
above floor (or two adjoining rooms of a similar overall size, with a drawable curtain between).
Staff kitchen/tea-making bench units having urns, boiling water heaters, microwave ovens, etc, in easily
reachable positions.
Schedule 2 - Buildings in respect of which requirement for provision of access and
facilities for persons with disabilities applies
The buildings in respect of which the requirement for the provision of access and facilities for persons with
disabilities apply are, without limitation, as follows:
a) land, sea, and air passenger transport terminals and facilities and interchanges, whether wholly on
land or otherwise:
b) public toilets wherever situated:
c) banks:
d) childcare centres and kindergartens:
e) day-care centres and facilities:
f) commercial buildings and premises for business and professional purposes, including computer
g) central, regional, and local government offices and facilities:
h) courthouses:
i) Police stations:
j) hotels, motels, hostels, halls of residence, holiday cabins, groups of pensioner flats, boarding houses,
guest houses, and other premises providing accommodation for the public:
k) hospitals, whether public or private, and rest homes:
l) medical and dental surgeries, and medical and paramedical and other primary health care centres:
m) educational institutions, including public and private primary, intermediate, and secondary schools,
universities, polytechnics, and other tertiary institutions:
n) libraries, museums, art galleries, and other cultural institutions:
o) churches, chapels, and other places of public worship:
p) places of assembly, including auditoriums, theatres, cinemas, halls, sports stadiums, conference
facilities, clubrooms, recreation centres, and swimming baths:
q) shops, shopping centres, and shopping malls:
r) restaurants, bars, cafeterias, and catering facilities:
s) showrooms and auction rooms:
t) public laundries:
u) petrol and service stations:
v) funeral parlours:
w) television and radio stations:
x) car parks, parking buildings, and parking facilities:
y) factories and industrial buildings where more than 10 persons are employed:
z) other buildings, premises, or facilities to which the public are to be admitted, whether for free or on
payment of a charge.