Part E: Information about your carers and family members (if applicable)
Carer’s full name
Contact phone number
(include TTY if applicable)
Will your carer be taking part in
the planning conversation?
☐ Yes
☐ No
Do you have another family
member who is, or is seeking to
become, an NDIS participant?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please provide their name:
Part F: Your disability, or need for early intervention supports
So we can determine whether you (or your child) meet the disability or early intervention access
requirements (including developmental delay), you need to provide us with information about your
disability or impairment.
Primary disability:
(This is the disability that has the
most impact on your daily life)
Please list other disabilities
(if any):
Did you acquire your disability
because of an injury?
☐ Yes
☐ No
Are you seeking, or have you
previously sought compensation
related to your disability or
☐ Yes
☐ No
If you have undertaken one or more of the following assessments or reports in relation to your
disability, please provide a copy with your Access Request Form.
• The Care and Needs Scale (CANS)
• Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales, 2nd Ed (Vineland-II)
• Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Ed (DSM-5) – Autism Spectrum Disorder
• Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Ed (DSM-4) – Autism Spectrum Disorder
• Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS)
• Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System (ABAS)
• Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS)
• Gross Motor Functional Classification Scale (GMFCS)
• Communication Function Classification Score (CFCS)
• Manual Ability Classification System (MACS)
• Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Ed (DSM-5) – Intellectual Disability
• Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Ed (DSM-4) – Intellectual Disability
• Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals, 4th Ed
• Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, 3rd Ed (WPPSI-III)
• Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV)
• IQ test
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ARF: V 8.1 – 8 April 2020