MassDOT rev 04.11 Page 6 of 6
Category I – Minor Vehicular Access Permits:
Access Permits for Projects that require entry to the State Highway Layout (SHLO), require little to no non-signalized
modifications, and do not significantly alter the operating characteristics of traffic. These Projects ordinarily do not exceed the
Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) transportation thresholds beyond the filing of an Environmental Notification
Form (ENF).
Category II - Major Vehicular Access Permits:
Access Permits for Projects that require significant non-signalized modifications that may alter the operating characteristics of
traffic at residential or commercial driveway intersecting with the SHLO; that require significant non-signalized modifications that
may alter the operating characteristics of traffic at or upon any other intersection or roadway under the jurisdiction of MassDOT;
that require the installation of a new traffic signal at a residential or commercial driveway intersecting with the SHLO or at any
other intersection or roadway under the jurisdiction of MassDOT; or that require modification of structures, equipment, or
hardware at an existing traffic signal at a residential or commercial driveway and its intersection with the SHLO or at any other
intersection or roadway under the jurisdiction of MassDOT.
Category III – Complex Vehicular Permits
Access Permits for Complex Projects requiring actions similar to major Projects, but which require a new or altered SHLO; that
require significant non-signalized and/or signalized modification within the SHLO over an extended distance or at a number of
intersections that significantly alters the operating characteristics of traffic along a corridor; or that require the construction of a
new, or modifications to an existing, bridge. These Projects generally require MEPA review and may require Federal review.
Access Permits for Projects that require access to the SHLO that do not involve physical modifications such as a parade or road
race; construction, relocation or repair of utilities within the SHLO; tree cutting or landscaping within the SHLO; the use of
explosives to remove material from within 250 feet of the SHLO; or connection to or discharge to any MassDOT drainage system
(in cases where it can be shown that no practical alternative exists).
Vehicular Access Permits are required for:
• New residential or commercial driveways or streets intersecting the SHLO; or,
• Physical modifications to existing residential or commercial driveways or streets at their intersection with the SHLO; or,
• Change in use of an existing residential or commercial driveway onto SHLO that results in a
Substantial Increase in or
Impact on Traffic
(as defined below) over the current use; or
• Construction of new or change in use of existing, residential or commercial driveway from properties that abut the SHLO to
serve a building or facility, or expansion of a building or facility, that generates a Substantial Increase in or Impact on Traffic.
Substantial Increase in, or Impact on, Traffic as referenced above is defined as:
A Project that meets or exceeds any of the following thresholds:
(i) Generation of 2,000 or more new ADT on roadways providing access to a single location; or,
(ii) Generation of 1,000 or more new ADT on roadways providing access to a single location and construction of 150 or
more new parking spaces at a single location; or,
(iii) Construction of 300 or more new parking spaces at a single location; or
(iv) Creation of a change in the type, pattern, or timing of traffic that is determined by MassDOT to generate a significant
impact on traffic flow and safety.
Non-vehicular Access Permits are required for:
• Access to the SHLO for Projects that do not involve physical modifications; or
• Connection to or discharge to any MassDOT drainage system (in cases where it can be shown that no practical alternative
exists); or
• Construction, relocation or repair of utilities within the SHLO; or
• Tree cutting or landscaping within the SHLO; or
• The use of explosives to remove material from within 250 feet of the SHLO.
In cases where a particular Project or activity may seek both vehicular and non-vehicular access,
separate and distinct Permit Applications must be filed.