As a part-time staff / student assistant of the Department _______________________ at Alvin
Community College, you are bound by the strictest confidence concerning any and all student
records. Any information that you see in paper or scanned form or hear concerning any student of
Alvin Community College is considered confidential.
You may never disclose the following student information to anyone such as:
• Grades
• Social Security Numbers
• Class Schedule
• Transcript Information
• Disability information
• Disciplinary Action taken
Directory Information:
Under the FERPA Law, ACC is required to release student directory information to individuals and
organizations upon request.
Information classified as directory includes only the following:
• Name
• Telephone Number
• Address
• Date of Birth
• Major
• Awards and Degrees
• Dates of attendance
• Most recent institution attended
• Participation in Sports
• Weight/height of student athletes
Alvin Community College, however, is not permitted to disclose any information concerning a student
not classified as directory information to a third party without the written consent of the student. Only
Registrar’s Office personnel may disclose directory information. Part-time staff and student
assistants may never release any student enrollment/credential verification information.
I understand the above policy and agree to uphold the strictest level of confidentiality as a part-time
staff / student assistant of the Department _________________________at Alvin Community
Print name
Signature Date
Updated 03/19/13