JCU Global Experience Program - Outbound Exchange
This form is to be completed by a JCU academic and submitted as part of the student's Exchange Application.
This student is applying for admission to the JCU Global Experience program that involves full-time academic work in a cross-cultural setting. To benefit
from this experience a student must be highly motivated, emotionally mature, prepared for the educational environment and able to adapt easily to
people with different cultural and social backgrounds.
Surname First name Student ID
What is your relaonship to the applicant?
How long have you known the applicant?
less than 6 months 6-12 months more than 12 months
We would greatly appreciate your thoughul and candid appraisal of this applicant’s ablity to suitably represent JCU in an Exchange program.
In my opinion, the applicants quality of work is…
Outstanding Good Average Poor Unable to judge
In my opon, the applicants aendance and
reliability are…
Outstanding Good Average Poor Unable to judge
In my opinion, the applicants arculaon and
cooperaon are...
Outstanding Good Average Poor Unable to judge
In my opinion, the applicants self-reliance and self-
assurance are...
Outstanding Good Average Poor Unable to judge
In my opinion, the applicants open mindedness is...
Outstanding Good Average Poor Unable to judge
Based on recent performance, the applicants
performance compared with other members of the
class is…
Outstanding Good Average Poor Unable to judge
Movaon - In my opinion, the applicants movaon
and seriousness of purpose for pursuing an exchange
Outstanding Good Average Poor Unable to judge
JCU Ambassador qualies - In my opinion, the
applicant’s maturity, social skills and adaptability for
pursuing an exchange are…
Outstanding Good Average Poor Unable to judge
Foreign language prociency level (if applicable) - In
my opinion, the applicant is at the following level…
Advanced Intermediate Beginner Average Unable to judge
Addional Comments (oponal) - Please comment on any area(s) in which the applicant might be relavely strong or weak and on what the applicant
would gain from an internaonal exchange experience.
Based on academic performance and potenal, the degree of support I give the applicant for parcipaon in the JCU Exchange Program is…
Unreserved recommendaon Recommend with reservaon Do not recommend Unable to judge
Referee signature
This reference is condenal. Do you give
permission for it to be released if requested by
the applicant?
Yes No
Referee Name Referee email
Title and Department Referee phone
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