Academic Misconduct Disposition Form
This form documents discussion between an instructor and a student concerning allegations of Student Academic Misconduct
either the resulting disposition of the allegations between the instructor and student, or a referral for disposition of allegations
Student Code of Conduct processes. In both resolved and unresolved instances, all steps must be completed.
I. Instructor documentation and description of alleged academic misconduct (include specific details and attach any supporting
documentation or materials):
_____________________________________ ___________________ __________________________________
Student Name Student ID Number Student’s Email Address
____________________________________ ___________________________________________
Instructor of Record Instructor’s Email Address
________________________ ___________________________________________ ________________
Course Prefix, #, and Delivery Course Title Term/Semester
(face-to-face or online)
Description of alleged academic misconduct:
II. Initial discussion regarding alleged academic misconduct (attempt to resolve): The instructor should meet with the student in
a timely fashion (upon discovery of a potential issue) and attempt to resolve the matter with the student. If the student does
not respond to instructor requests to meet, the instructor should forward the matter for disposition under the Student Code of
Conduct (see IV.B. below).
III. Instructor description of the intended academic consequences (impact on assignment grade, course grade, etc.):
IV. Disposition is either achieved or not achieved:
A. Disposition achieved (check and sign below). Academic misconduct is established by the instructor and the student
agrees that it has occurred. Disposition of this instance of academic misconduct is final. The matter will be forwarded to the
Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities for conduct sanctioning. When informal disposition is achieved, the academic
consequences may not be appealed under the Student Appeals for Academic Affairs
B. Disposition is not achieved (check and sign below). The student does not agree that academic misconduct occurred; or
the student does not respond to instructor requests to meet for discussion; or the student does not return the form by the
specified deadline (student signature is not obtained in these circumstances). The instructor shall immediately seek disposition
under the Student Code of Conduct through the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities, in accordance with which, the
intended academic consequences will be included as part of the referral. Should a determination of academic misconduct be
made, the academic consequence will be imposed, along with appropriate conduct sanctions.
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Student Signature and Date Instructor of Record Signature and Date
V. Administrative follow-up:
A. A copy of this form must go to the student, the instructor, and the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities at
B. In cases involving graduate or professional students, a copy must also go to the Graduate School, the Sanford School of
Medicine, or the School of Law.
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