Stay Aware. Stay Safe. Stay #HornetStrong.
This guide will be updated as we monitor data and information related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
We will continue to keep the campus family and ASU stakeholders informed as developments occur.
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››› Course Mode Considerations
Alabama State University has conducted a
comprehensive analysis of the makeup of its
face-to-face, online and hybrid courses across all
n 8-week courses provide the same course
material and course outcomes as 16-week
n 8-week courses are more intensive and require
the same amount of work and confer the
same amount of credit. Note: This alternative
format requires more dedicated focus for a
shorter amount of time to achieve the course
n Depending on a student’s program of study, we
expect that most undergraduate students who
would prefer to take most or all of their courses
remotely would be able to do so.
››› Virtual Training and Development
n The Academy of Excellence for Research &
eLearning (AEReL) will continue to provide
training and any materials to assist faculty
with instructional design needs (syllabi, course
objectives, rubrics, etc.) when needed.
n Faculty professional development will be
delivered through a variety of virtual modes,
including videos, online resources focused on
online teaching and research, consultations,
and webinars focused on specic technologies.
n Faculty, staff and student meetings will be held
virtually, whenever possible.
››› Levi Watkins Learning Center
n The Levi Watkins Learning Center (LWLC) will
provide learning opportunities, assistance with
research, resources and services to support
scholarly communication, learning assistance
and training.
n The LWLC will provide Information/Reference/
Research Consultation via Live Chat, SMS,
Email and telephone to help faculty and
students learning and working remotely.
n Library Online Catalog databases are available
24/7 for remote access.
n The National Center for the Study of Civil
Rights and African-American Culture will be
available to provide learning opportunities
supporting research in the areas of cultural
heritage, human rights and social justice.
n Website access: http://www.lib.alasu.edu/
››› Online Readiness for Students
Alabama State University is committed to
providing students with tools to develop
necessary online learning skills to promote
learning and achievement in an online
environment. This will be accomplished by
providing students with access to the ASU Online
Readiness Modules to assist with mastering
taking an online course.