Academic Advisor iThenticate Certification
Thesis or Dissertation
Please note: electronic signatures will not be accepted; type in field information, print, then sign one of the options below.
Student Name:
Academic Advisor Name:
Similarity Index %:
Student provides searchable pdf of their post defense, committee approved thesis or dissertation after all changes required by
the student's Advisory Committee have been made (called thesis herein) and permissions to use all copyrighted or proprietary
material, e.g. figures or data (called permissions herein).
Advisor uploads the thesis to iThenticate and verifies that all permissions are supplied. After reviewing the student's iThenticate
Similarity Report and taking any necessary action, please select one of the following:
1) I attest that I have reviewed the iThenticate Similarity Report of the thesis and found no plagiarism issues or
missing permissions. No portion of the document contains plagiarized material that must be addressed by the
student and all permissions have been obtained. I have attached all permissions and a screen shot^ of the
iThenticate Match Overview showing highest percentages.
Advisor Physical Signature: Date:
2) I have reviewed the iThenticate Similarity Report of the thesis and found minor plagiarism issues, e.g. a few
sentences requiring quotation/citation, or missing permissions. I have attached a screen shot^ of each problem
passage to this certification.
I attest that all plagiarism and permission issues have been addressed to my satisfaction. I have attached all
Did plagiarism revisions require Advisory Committee approval? If yes, the
student must obtain initials from all committee members below.
Advisor Physical Signature: Date:
Committee Initials:
(if needed)
3) I have reviewed the iThenticate Similarity Report of the thesis and found substantial plagiarism, e.g. intellectual
content, images, or entire paragraphs taken from other sources, rather than minor citation, reference issues, or a
few isolated sentences. I am therefore bringing charges of Academic Dishonesty to the Dean of Graduate Studies
(see the Academic Honesty Policy in the Graduate Catalog for details). I have attached a screen shot^ of each
problem passage to this certification.
Advisor Physical Signature: Date:
^To capture a screen shot on a PC, press Alt + PrtScn and paste the screen shot into a Word document