List your plans to improve your grades in your next term:
Keep lists prioritizing tasks to be done?
Break big assignments into manageable parts?
Use a planner or other calendar?
Use a cell phone for time management/organizer?
Have a set place to study away from distractions?
Establish regular study times each day?
Do you shut your cell phone (or other social media) off when you study?
Do you use your syllabus to plan ahead for projects/assignments/tests?
Study Skills - Note Taking: Do you…
Copy everything the instructor says and/or PowerPoint word for word?
Write down the main ideas from lecture?
Review previous class notes before the next class meeting?
Get copies of class notes if you are absent?
Do the notes that you take in class help you to study for tests?
Study Skills – Reading: Do you…
Look through a reading assignment before beginning to read?
Take notes while you are reading the material?
Ask questions to yourself about the content while you are reading?
Highlight the main ideas in the text as you read?
Review your reading notes before the test?
Study Skills – Test Taking: Do you…
Use a specific method for remembering/memorizing class material?
Do most of your studying the night before the test?
Get enough sleep the night before the test?
Answer/solve easy questions on a test first?
Reread test questions before answering?
Use the entire time you are allowed to take the test?