Rev. 06/16
To request approval for a Foundation transfer, please complete this form and send to Office of the Vice President for
Finance and Administration, MS1200. If approved, it will be returned via email. (Complete your processing by
attaching the signed copy to a Payment Request Requistion in Oracle Financial Cloud.)
Name (Please Print): ______________________________________________________________Date: __________________
Department/Unit: _______________________________________________________ Ext. _________
Boise State Funding Source(Must be local funds): _______________________________________________________
Deposit to BSUF Acct.____________________ BSU Check No. _______________ Check Amount: $_____________
Foundation transfers can only be made under the following circumstances (See Boise State
Policy 6040). Check one and write a short explanation in the space provided.
_____ A donor inadvertently directed a contribution to the institution that is intended for the foundation.
_____ The institution has gift funds that were transferred from and originated in an affiliated foundation,
and the institution wishes to return a portion of funds to the foundation for reinvestment consistent
with the original intent of the gift.
_____ The University has raised dedicated scholarship funds through a University activity and wishes to
deposit the funds with the Foundation for investment and distribution consistent with the scholarship nature
of the funds
_____ Transfers of a de minimis amount not to exceed $10,000 from the University to the Foundation
provided such funds are for investment by the Foundation for scholarship or other general University
support purposes.
(Note: This exception shall not be interpreted to allow the transfer of any appropriated funds nor apply to
payments by the University to the foundation for approved obligations of the University to the Foundation, operating expenses of the
Foundation or other costs of the Foundation.)
Unit/Department Head:
Print: ________________________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________
Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
VPFA or AVPFA Signature: __________________________________________________________ Date: ____________