October 2017
____ Correction to Student Record ____ 100% Refund
This form is to be used by an eligible institution’s financial aid office to
document updates to a Governor Guinn
Millennium Scholarship (GGMS) student record after the last day data are sent for a semester. If an exception occurs
ing the semester in which the student is currently enrolled or while data are still being sent for the prior semester,
this form is NOT needed and the financial aid office at the institution can make the adjustment to the student’s account
ough normal procedures.
Procedures for Exceptions:
1. The financial aid office completes
this form when the institution determines that an update to student’s
GGMS record is warranted due to changes in: GPA, credits completed or disbursements.
2. Indicate by checking the box above whether this update is related to a “100 Percent Refund” appeal that has
been approved by the institution.
3. NSHE institutions are encouraged to s
ubmit the corrections/refund form securely through ownCloud.
Financial Aid Office:
Eligible institution: Di
sbursement Amount:
Student name: MS
Semester in which correction needs to be made (List Fall/Spring/Summer and Year):
Explain correction:
Signature College Financial Aid Officer
Printed Name
Phone Number
Treasurer’s Office:
Treasurer’s Office approval
If no, state reason:
Signature Gov. Guinn Millennium Scholarship
Please attach any supporting documentation and submit to the Treasurer’s office via email, fax or OwnCloud (NSHE):
Email: millenniumscholars@nevadatreasurer.gov
Fax: (702) 486-3246
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit