Student consent is required for the release of personally identiable information such as semester grades, academic record, class sched-
ule, current academic standing, student ID and/or Social Security number.
Students may consent to the release of personally identiable information to others by completing this form. The Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) allows disclosure of personally identiable information without student consent to:
Florida Institute of Technology § Oce of the Registrar § 150 West University Boulevard, Melbourne, FL 32901-6975 § 321-674-8115 § Fax 321-674-7827
Oce of the Registrar Use Only
Operator Initials _________________________________
Date Processed__________________________________
§ certain government agencies/ocials,
§ sponsoring agencies,
§ outside contractors performing a service for the institution that the institution would otherwise perform for itself,
§ National Science Foundation surveys as authorized by Congress,
§ subpoenas/court orders, select law enforcement agencies, and
§ selected school ocials on a need to know basis who have dened legitimate educational interest in
such records.
This request will remain in eect indenitely, until the student named below noties the Oce of the Registrar otherwise
in writing.
I give permission for the individual(s) named below to request in writing copies of my academic grades and transcript
(fee required for ocial transcript), nancial status, payment information and other personally identiable information
contained in my university records. University policy requires a written request to obtain these documents.
Student Name ____________________________________________________________________  Student ID Number _____________________________
Last name First name
o Yes, I authorize the release of information to the parties listed below:
Third Party Name
________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Third Party Name ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Student Signature _______________________________________________________________ Date __________________________________________