The claimant agreed to allow me to withdraw from representation as indicated in Part I above.
OC-400.17 (8-20)
Pursuant to 12 NYCRR § 300.17, this form must be submitted whenever an attorney or licensed representative seeks to
withdraw his or her representation of a claimant before the Board or a Workers' Compensation Law Judge in any claim or
Send this form to the claimant and secure the claimant's signature in Part I. Complete Part II and check the appropriate
box in Part II, Section C.
, hereby request to withdraw from representation of the above
A. I,
named claimant in the cases listed above. My request to withdraw meets the standards set forth in 12 NYCRR § 300.17, and the Rules
of Professional Conduct for attorneys (22 NYCRR 1200.16 Rule 1.16) or the Rules of Conduct for licensed representatives (12 NYCRR
302-2) and is based on the following reason(s):
WCB Case #(s)
Claimant's Name (Last, First, MI)
Claimant Name (Last, First, MI) Signature of Claimant
PO Box 5205, Binghamton, NY 13902-5205 Web Upload link:
B. Check all applicable boxes:
There is no application for review pending before the Board or the Full Board or an appeal to the Appellate Division;
A hearing is not scheduled in this matter and I have not been notified of any other deadline that requires a response;
A hearing is set for the date of:
A deadline for a response to
has been set for the date
D. I certify that the above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have today served a copy of this request on all parties,
their representatives, and unrepresented parties in this claim, including the claimant.
Signature of Attorney/Licensed Representative
Address of Attorney/Licensed Representative
Attorney/Licensed Representative Phone Number
Date Submitted l
Attorney/Licensed Representative's Identification Number (if any)
Part I
I am the claimant in this matter/these matters. I agree to allow my attorney/licensed representative to withdraw from representing me in
the above listed case(s).
Part II
The claimant has not been classified (see Subject Number 046-548, May 28, 2013).
The following cases(s) have been settled via Section 32 waiver agreement (list all claims settled via Section 32):
C. Check ONE of the following:
I attempted in good faith to secure the claimant's signature in Part I above.
There is an appeal pending before
, and a response is due
2. Check ONE of the following:
Whenever an attorney or licensed representative is notified that the claimant has terminated his or her retainer (12 NYCRR 300.17[g]), or the attorney
or licensed representative has withdrawn from representation of the claimant (12 NYCRR 300.17[b][2][ii]), a final attorney's fee application shall be
promptly submitted to the Board. The attorney or licensed representative shall file an OC-400.1 with the Board within 30 days of notice that their
retainer has been terminated, or their withdrawal from representation, and serve a copy upon the claimant.
1. Check ONE of the following:
OC-400.17 8-20