San Manuel Tribal Court
San Manuel Indian Reservation
3214 Victoria Avenue
Highland, CA 92346
Phone: (909) 907-6920
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IV. Applicant is a member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of the state of
__________________________________________, where Applicant regularly practices law.
Barlicensenumber:__________________________ Admissiondate:____________________________
(Street Address)
listed above.
V. Applicanthasalsobeenadmittedtopracticebeforethefollowingcourts:
Court: AdmissionDate: ActiveorInactive:
_____________________________ _____________________________ _______________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________ _______________________________
(If necessary, attach a statement of additional admissions)
VI. Applicant has never involuntarily lost, temporarily or permanently, the right to practice before any court or tribunal,
VII. Applicant has never been subject to grievance proceedings or involuntary removal proceedings—regardless of
outcome—while a member of the bar of any state or federal court or tribunal that requires admission to practice,
VIII. Applicant has not been charged, arrested, or convicted of a criminal offense or offenses, except as provided
IX. ApplicanthasledforprohacviceadmissionintheSanManuelTribalCourtduringthepastthree(3)yearsinthe
Date of Application: Case No.
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
(If necessary, attach a statement of additional applications)