It is important that you understand that attendance on your course is required in order to
succeed academically.
If you are being funded by the Student Loans Company (SLC), it is important that you attend your
scheduled classes, as you are only entitled to receive SLC funding whilst you are in full attendance of
your programme. We will report any prolonged periods of non-attendance to SLC, which will affect
your funding entitlement and may result in you having to self-fund part of your tuition fees.
As a student registered with BPP University, you are subject to BPP University General Academic
Regulations (GARs) and Manual of Policies and Procedures (MOPPs), in which you will also find the
Student Discipline Policy. Persistent non-attendance may be considered a disciplinary issue. You will
find copies of these documents on the Student Association website and on the Student Portal (under
Registry and Student Support).
Please read the below points and understand that it is your responsibility to do the following:
I understand that my attendance will be monitored by my Programme Support Officer/Personal Tutor
and if it is deemed unsatisfactory, could lead to suspension or termination of my studies.
By signing the below you are confirming that you understand the attendance policy above and
the consequences of non-attendance.
A copy of this document can be found on the Student Portal in the Registry and Student Support section,
University Regulations and Policies.
Please send the completed form back to OnlineRegistration@bpp.com.
1. Attendance – 100% course attendance is expected
2. Registers - Where attendance is not marked automatically in class and a physical register is
used it is your responsibility to ensure you have ‘signed’ the register and have been recorded
as attended. Do NOT get someone else to sign in for you - this is a disciplinary offence
3. Absence - Inform your Programme Support Officer/Personal Tutor in advance for any periods
of absence. If you are sick and unable to attend, please tell us within 24 hours of the illness.
You will be required to complete and have approved an ‘Absence Certificate’ and may be asked
to provide medical evidence.
4. Holiday – These should only be taken outside of term time or as determined by your timetable
5. Working - Studying and attending your course dates come first, any form of employed work is
6. Progression – You must make academic progress. Failing a module/paper/ part of course 3
times may lead to your enrolment being terminated or failing the programme
Student Reference Number (SRN):