Teacher Education – ATE Application Package Revised: SEPT 2015_BLC
Standard 2: Conduct with Students - An educator shall always maintain a professional relationship with all
students, both in and outside the classroom. Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: 1. committing any act
of child abuse, including physical and verbal abuse; 2. committing any act of cruelty to children or any act of child
endangerment; 3. committing any sexual act with a student or soliciting such from a student; 4. engaging in or
permitting harassment of or misconduct toward a student that would violate a state or federal law; 5. soliciting,
encouraging, or consummating an inappropriate written, verbal, electronic, or physical relationship with a student;
6. furnishing tobacco, alcohol, or illegal/unauthorized drugs to any student; or 7. failing to prevent the use of
alcohol or illegal or unauthorized drugs by students who are under the educator’s supervision (including but not
limited to at the educator’s residence or any other private setting). (c)
Standard 3: Alcohol or Drugs - An educator shall refrain from the use of alcohol or illegal or unauthorized drugs
during the course of professional practice. Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: 1. being on school or
Local Unit of Administration (LUA)/school district premises or at a school or a LUA/school district-related activity
while under the influence of, possessing, using, or consuming illegal or unauthorized drugs; and 2. being on
school or LUA/school district premises or at a school-related activity involving students while under the influence
of, possessing, or consuming alcohol. A school-related activity includes, but is not limited to, any activity
sponsored by the school or school system (booster clubs, parent-teacher organizations, or any activity designed
to enhance the school curriculum i.e. Foreign Language trips, etc). 505-6-.01 Page 3 (d)
Standard 4: Honesty - An educator shall exemplify honesty and integrity in the course of professional practice.
Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to, falsifying, misrepresenting or omitting: 1. professional
qualifications, criminal history, college or staff development credit and/or degrees, academic award, and
employment history; 2. information submitted to federal, state, local school districts and other governmental
agencies; 3. information regarding the evaluation of students and/or personnel; 4. reasons for absences or
leaves; 5. information submitted in the course of an official inquiry/investigation; and 6. information submitted in
the course of professional practice.
Standard 5: Public Funds and Property - An educator entrusted with public funds and property shall honor that
trust with a high level of honesty, accuracy, and responsibility. Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: 1.
misusing public or school-related funds; 2. failing to account for funds collected from students or parents; 3.
submitting fraudulent requests or documentation for reimbursement of expenses or for pay (including fraudulent
or purchased degrees, documents, or coursework); 4. co-mingling public or school-related funds with personal
funds or checking accounts; and 5. using school or school district property without the approval of the local board
of education/governing board or authorized designee.
Standard 6: Remunerative Conduct - An educator shall maintain integrity with students, colleagues, parents,
patrons, or businesses when accepting gifts, gratuities, favors, and additional compensation. Unethical conduct
includes but is not limited to: 1. soliciting students or parents of students, or school and/or LUA/school district
personnel, to purchase equipment, supplies, or services from the educator or to participate in activities that
financially benefit the educator unless approved by the local board of education/governing board or authorized
designee; 2. accepting gifts from vendors or potential vendors for personal use or gain where there may be the
appearance of a conflict of interest; 3. tutoring students assigned to the educator for remuneration unless
approved by the local board of education/governing board or authorized designee; and 4. coaching, instructing,
promoting athletic camps, summer leagues, etc. that involves students in an educator’s school system and from
whom the educator receives remuneration unless approved by the local board of education/governing board or
authorized designee. These types of activities must be in compliance with all rules and regulations of the Georgia
High School Association. 505-6-.01 Page 4 (g)
Standard 7: Confidential Information - An educator shall comply with state and federal laws and state school
board policies relating to the confidentiality of student and personnel records, standardized test material and other
information. Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: 1. sharing of confidential information concerning
student academic and disciplinary records, health and medical information, family status and/or income, and
assessment/testing results unless disclosure is required or permitted by law; 2. sharing of confidential information
restricted by state or federal law; 3. violation of confidentiality agreements related to standardized testing
including copying or teaching identified test items, publishing or distributing test items or answers, discussing test
items, violating local school system or state directions for the use of tests or test items, etc.; and 4. violation of
other confidentiality agreements required by state or local policy. (h)