Serving Those who Serve – AT&T is redirecting more resources to provide communication
services and tools for first responders, health care professionals, educators and other essential
customers. This additional support will help ensure these customers can continue providing
critical support to the country and their communities, particularly to first responders using the
FirstNet network.
As first responders across the country stand on the front lines to support our nation’s response
to COVID-19, they can have confidence knowing that with FirstNet they’ll have the unthrottled
connectivity and priority communications they need to respond during this public health
emergency. It’s this type of unparalleled emergency support that distinguishes FirstNet, the only
nationwide wireless broadband communications platform dedicated to America’s first
responders and public safety community, from best-effort commercial wireless networks built
for consumer use.
Extending Paid Leave for our Employees – As we continue to assess the impact of COVID-19
on our business, our people and our communities, we recognize some of our employees have
specific needs and cannot fulfill their roles either at the workplace or from home during this
time – so we want to continue to help. We are extending our original 80 hours of paid, excused
time off to up to a total of 160 hours for the following scenarios:
Employees who have tested positive for COVID-19 and remain quarantined.
Employees who are at higher risk due to an underlying health condition (60+, heart disease,
lung disease, diabetes, cancer).
Parents or guardians of children whose schools or daycares have closed for COVID-19 and
for whom another child care option is not yet available.
Primary caregiver for someone diagnosed with COVID-19 who is unable to provide
We are grateful for what our employees are doing to deliver on the important responsibility of
taking care of our nation’s first responders and FirstNet subscribers, healthcare providers,
government leaders, educators and critical businesses as they turn to us for support through
this unpredictable storm.
Reducing Retail Locations – Due to coronavirus, we will begin to close additional AT&T stores
across the nation, significantly reducing our retail footprint to a minimum number of locations
required to serve first responders, healthcare workers, government users and our customers.
Where possible, we will keep at least one retail location open within a 20-mile radius in urban and
suburban areas, and just over a 30-mile radius in rural areas. To locate a retail store that will
remain open to serve your area, please visit our store tracker at www.att.com/stores.
Visit AT&T’s dedicated COVID-19 website for additional details and
the latest updates.
AT&T Offers Relief for Customers
AT&T is planning on being here to help you stay connected throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. We
recognize that staying in touch with your family, friends, school and work has never been more important.
Below are a few ways we’re helping consumers, small businesses, and enterprises across the country.
Consistent with FCC Chairman Pai’s “Keep Americans Connected Pledge” and concerns raised
by members of Congress, which we share, AT&T is proud to support our customers by pledging
that, for 60 days, we will:
Not terminate the service Waive any late payment Waive domestic wireless Keep our public Wi-Fi
of any wireless, home fees that any wireless, plan overage charges hotspots open for
phone or broadband home phone or for data, voice or text any American who
residential or small broadband residential for residential or small needs them.
business customer or small business business wireless
because of their inability customer may incur customers incurred
to pay their bill due to because of economic because of economic
disruptions caused by the hardship related to the hardship related to the
coronavirus pandemic. coronavirus pandemic.
coronavirus pandemic.
To provide further relief and support, AT&T announced:
Unlimited AT&T Home Internet – All AT&T consumer home internet wireline customers, as well as
Fixed Wireless Internet, can use unlimited internet data. Additionally, we’ll continue to offer internet
access for qualifying limited income households at $10 a month through our Access from AT&T
program. We’ve expanded eligibility to Access from AT&T to households participating in the
National School Lunch Program and Head Start. Additionally, we’re offering new Access from AT&T
customers two months of free service.
Helping You Work and Learn Remotely – Businesses, universities and schools can keep their
teams and classrooms connected through conference calls and video conferencing with Cisco
Webex Meetings with AT&T for 90-days, and seamlessly forward calls to both mobile and landline
phones with AT&T IP Flexible Reach.
Distance Learning – We’ve created a new Distance Learning and Family Connections Fund to give
parents, students and teachers tools they need for at-home learning. The fund also will provide
resources to maintain meaningful connections and bonding opportunities for those isolated from
family and friends. Our first contribution of $1 million will go to Khan Academy. This collaboration
will improve and expand online learning resources to meet growing demand from parents,
teachers and students, including those who rely on free resources and need Khan Academy the
most. It will also support the development of new resources designed specifically for COVID-19
school closures.
AT&T is underwriting expenses for a “one-stop” resource center to support eLearning Days from
the State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA) available to all educators in
schools to help them handle school closures and the increase in virtual learning due to COVID-19.
1 The coronavirus pandemic is causing many hardships. If you find yourself in financial trouble and unable to pay your bill, we’re here to help you. Please contact us at 800-288-2020 for AT&T
broadband, residential wireless or small business services and 611 from your AT&T device for wireless.
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