Directions: Please read the pages of program requirements and instructions. To apply for a fellowship,
the student must complete the application form below along with submitting a personal letter of need for
the fellowship. The application should be sent to Mrs. Leslie Jones, Masters Reality-based Enhanced &
Applied Learning (REAL) Grant Coordinator, BILLY C. BLACK Building #192, or scan a copy (with
hand written signatures) to the Coordinator’s email at Leslie.Jones@asurams.edu .
Personal letter from applicant: Masters Reality-based Enhanced & Applied Learning (REAL) Grant
Program funds are awarded to facilitate scholastic excellence, relieve financial need, and promote
community service and student support for the grant. Please describe how the fellowship will enable you
to be successful in completion of your education in the expected time frame.
DEADLINE: The fellowship application deadline is December 14, 2017
Name (full name):_____________________________________________________________________________
Date of birth: ____________________ _______ SSN#__________________________________________
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen Yes/No_______ U.S. Permanent Resident ______Yes/No_____________
Student ID number ___________________________________________________________________________
Home phone number: ___________________________ Cell phone: ______________________________
Home address: _______________________________________________________________________________
Work phone number: ____________________________ Work Hours_____________________________
ASU E-mail: _________________________________________________________________________________
Cumulative GPA: _____________________________________________________________________________
Current Academic Status - Full-time/Part-time:_______________ Race: ______________________________
Single Income: __________________ Married/Family Income: _________________________
Number of people in household: ____________ Work Schedule - Full-time/Part-time:_____________
Impact of funds on ability to increase course load:
If money awarded, would you adjust work schedule to allow graduation within the designated time frame?