Yes No
i. What are heights of top and bottom edges of accessible mirror from floor?
j. Bottom edge (40 in. max) Top edge (74 in. min.)
k. Are all dispensers easy to reach and no more than 48” from floor to bottom
dispenser? Yes No
UFAS 4.15 11.) Is at least one water fountain accessible; no more than 36" in height measured
ADAAG/TAS from the floor or ground surface to the spout with a 30" x 48” clear floor space in 211,
602 front of the water fountain? (If an area of primary function is being renovated then the water
fountains must be made compliant.) Yes No
If no, please explain:
UFAS 4.31.3 12.) Is at least one phone accessible to the mobility impaired (no more than 48"
ADAAG/TAS from the floor)? Yes No
217, 704 If no, please explain:
UFAS 4.31.9 13.) Do you have a Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD)?
217, 704 If no, please explain how service is provided to individuals with hearing
UFAS 4.28.2, 14.) Are emergency warning signals both audible and visual?
4.28.3 Yes No
ADAAG /TAS If no, please explain:
205, 702
15.) Is program information that is available in print, available on audio tape or in an
alternative method? Yes No
If no, please explain:
16.) Are all public meetings accessible (with sign language interpreters) and in
accessible locations? Yes No
If no, please explain:
Reference number is from Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards, Americans with Disabilities Act
Accessibility Guidelines, and Texas Accessibility Standards.
In the case that non-compliant elements are found and structural changes are needed, develop a
transitional plan setting forth the steps necessary to complete such changes or alterations. The
transitional plan shall contain, at a minimum, identification of physical barriers that limit
accessibility; description of methods to make facilities accessible; time schedule for taking each
necessary step; costs of changes; and name of person responsible for implementation of plan. Please
attach this information to the self-evaluation.
Please be advised that you may have further obligations under the