Annual Security Appraisal Form
Completing this form is a mandatory part of the management process for all national security clearance holders. If a clearance
holder’s line manager is not available or unable to comment, another manager with adequate knowledge of the clearance holder
should complete this form.
If your organisation shares a clearance, the sharing agreement between organisations determines who completes the assessment.
This form must be completed every year, either on the anniversary date of the security clearance or at a date your organisation chooses.
This section to be completed by security team or chief security officer prior to sending out.
Manager details
Line managers name (may or may not work for
the sponsoring organisation)
Details about the clearance holder
Please answer the following questions about the clearance holder to the best of your ability. If any of your responses are adverse,
expand on your response as necessary in the space provided.
1. Are you aware of the clearance holder having access to classified information?
Yes Give details below
No Go to question 2.
a. What was the highest classification of information they accessed?
b. How often did they access classified information?
2. Are you satisfied with the clearance holder’s attitude to security?
Yes Go to question 3.
No Give details below.
[ Insert classification here ]
[ Insert classification here ]