Associated Students Organization
Los Angeles Southwest College
ASO Commissioner Application
**Completed application must be turned in to the ASO office in room SSB 118. Applications are accepted on an
ongoing basis until all positions are filled.
Eligibility requirements to apply:
• Be a current LASC student enrolled in a minimum of five (5) units and not have
completed more than 80 degree applicable units in the Los Angeles Community College
• Be a paid member of the ASO
• Have a cumulative and current GPA of a 2.00 or higher
The following is required to be attached to this application:
• One letter of recommendation from an LASC faculty/staff member or community leader
who can attest to your leadership skills and/or potential
• LASC transcript (unofficial is acceptable)
• Optional: Resume indicating work, volunteer and/or educational experience
Commissioner Position Applying for: ________________________________________________
Student ID Number:_____________________________ Phone:________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________________________________________
Which program are you enrolled in at Los Angeles Southwest College (check all that apply):
□ Certificate □ Associate Degree □Transfer
What is your field of study? _______________________________________________________
Current cumulative GPA: _______________ Credit hours currently taking: ___________
If you are a member of any LASC clubs or organizations, please list them here: