Central Connecticut State University Office of the Registrar / Enrollment Center
Independent Study Course Registration Form Undergraduate / Graduate Students
Name: ID:
Street: Telephone No.:
City/State/Zip: Date:
Course Type Academic Term Year Student Class Student Status
Independent Study
Fall Spring
Summer Intersession
Graduate Student
The sponsoring faculty member completes this section with the student:
Faculty Sponsor:
Course Title:
Course Number (e.g., ART 498, PSY 499):
Number of Credit Hrs. (e.g., 3, 4, 6):
Average Weekly Contact Hrs. (e.g., 3, 4, 6):
Faculty Load Credit:
Meeting Place (classroom, office, or other location):
**Description of Course and Its Relationship to the Student’s Program:
**Evaluation Schedule:
**Planned Readings and Other Assignments:
**Means for Evaluation:
Required Independent Study Course Registration Written Agreement/Approvals:
Submitted by: ______________________________ ______________________________ Date: _________________
Student’s Signature Printed Name
Sponsored by: ______________________________ ______________________________ Date: _________________
Faculty Member’s Signature Printed Name
Approved by: ______________________________ ______________________________ Date: _________________
Department Chair’s Signature Printed Name
______________________________ ______________________________ Date: _________________
Dean of Academic School’s Signature Printed Name
______________________________ ______________________________ Date: _________________
*Dean of Graduate School’s Signature Printed Name
*Required when an independent study or internship course is requested by a graduate student
**If additional space is needed for these sections, please attach a second page
Effective 11/2005. Distribution of Completed Form: Original-Enrollment Center or Registrar’s Office;
copies-faculty member, chair, student, academic dean, Graduate School (if applicable)
School of Arts & Sciences
Independent Study Form Addendum
Faculty: Please fill out all sections below and attach to the independent study form.
Requests for independent study courses will not be reviewed until this form is
Student Name:
Student ID (8-digit):
Student Major:
Check one:
Course Designator &
Number (e.g., HIST 493):
Course Title:
Academic Term & Year
(e.g., Spring 2010):
Faculty Name:
Faculty Department:
Total Faculty Load for Semester in which Course Will Be Taught:
Is this course required for everyone in the student’s major or
minor? If so, no explanation is required below.
In a few sentences below, please explain the objectives of the independent study and the role
this course will play in the student’s program.