Please complete every section of the loan application that is applicable to your circumstances,
ensuring that all details are accurate and correct.
When the application is fully completed forward your application and pay slip onto your
nominated Supervisor to review and endorse.
TOP UP Loans:
If you have an existing loan and wish to apply for a TOP UP loan you must seek approval
prior to an application going through your chain of command. This is done by emailing
AHQ.ARTF@defence.gov.au explaining your exceptional circumstances. For more
information regarding TOP UP loans please see our website: https://armyrtf.com.au/loans/
Please Note: Once the ARTF secretary receives your application, with Supervisor and CO
endorsement, we will then be able to review it and asses its suitability for the loan. If there are
any issues with your application we will be in direct contact with you for clarification. Once
approved you will receive correspondence advising you of further steps.
As the supervisor, your role is to review the integrity of the data contained within the members
application and to certify, that to the best of your knowledge, the member will not be
discharged during the currency of the loan.
With your endorsement, please forward the loan application and pay slip onto the nominated
CO, for review and endorsement/rejection. Where possible, please ensure that the applicant is
cc’d in this correspondence so they can keep track of their application, as we do not have the
capacity to do so.
If you decide to reject this application please advise the member. The member should make
efforts to amend their application and resubmit if applicable.
As the members CO, your role is to review the integrity of the data contained within the
members application and to certify, that to the best of your knowledge, the member will not be
discharged during the currency of the loan.
With yours and the Supervisor’s endorsement and recommendations, please email the
application and pay slip to AHQ.ARTF@defence.gov.au for Fund Secretary review and
Once the ARTF receives this application, all further correspondence will be directly with the
applicant. Where possible, please ensure that the applicant is cc’d in this correspondence so
they can keep track of their application, as we do not have the capacity to do so at this point in
If you decide to reject this application please advise the member. The member should make
efforts to amend their application and resubmit if applicable.
Personal Details
… … …….
Family name*
Given name(s)*
Date of birth*
Work phone number*
Mobile phone number*
Defence email address*
Personal email address
Home address*
Service Details
PM Keys*
Date service commenced* Date
of separation (if applicable)
Partner Details
Partner name ……………………………………………………
Partner empl
Date of marriage or partnership ………….
Number of dependents* ………….
Do you give permission for your partner to contact and discuss the ARTF in
relation to your loan?*
Yes No
Loan Details
Select loan category*
o Furniture / household needs
o Debt consolidation
o Medical
o Dental
o Legal
o Wedding / Engagement
o Travel
o Funeral expenses
o Vehicle repairs / purchase
o Housing purchase / repair / moving
o Education
o Other (explain below)
Other ………………………………………………………………
Select loan type*
o General Purpose loan
o Relief loan
o Top Up existing loan
of loan* $ ………………
Fortnightly repayments* $.....................
Open the Loan Repayment Calculator on website to work out your fortnightly repayments
Purpose of
Be brief but ensure there is enough detail to ensure the Chain of Command and Secretariat understand why the
loan is required. For example if the loan is for debt consolidation, provide amounts and details.
Supervisor's email*
……………………………………………………Ensure your Supervisors email address is entered
correctly or your application can not be processed.
Commanding Officer's email*
……………………………………………………Ensure your Commanding Officer’s email address is
correctly or your application can not be processed.
Bank Account Details
or credit union name* ……………………………………………………
………………………Ensure your BSB is entered correctly or your loan
payment will be delayed.
………………………Ensure your account number is entered correctly or your
loan payment will be delayed.
Account name*
Account number*
Have you ever been declared bankrupt or insolvent?*
Yes No
Fortnightly Income Details
Gross salary and service allowances $...............................Enter the total of gross fortnightly pay and
allowances from all sources from your SVA or Pay Advice.
$...............................Enter the total gross fortnightly income of
your partner.
$...............................Enter the gross fortnightly amount of any
family assistance received.
$...............................Enter the gross fortnightly income you receive
from any investment properties.
$...............................Enter the gross fortnightly income you receive
from any pensions.
$...............................Enter the gross fortnightly amount of any
other income you receive.
Partners gross salary
Family assistance
Rental income
Please attach a PDF copy of your pay slip
Fortnightly Expense Details
Enter your fortnightly tax amount from your
deduction section PLUS your partners if salary included.
$............................... Enter the MSBS / DFRDB figure from the
deductions section of your SVA or Pay Advice.
$............................... Enter fortnightly RA paid and fortnightly
expenses including food, clothing and any other household expenses.
Rent / mortgage
Household living expenses $............................... Enter an estimate of yourfortnightly expenses
including food, clothing and any other household expenses.
Car expenses $............................... Enter your total car expenses including
registration, insurance and running costs calculated to a fortnightly amount.
$...............................Debt amount is liabilities less mortgage.
$...............................Enter the total fortnightly rates paid on your
own home and any investment properties.
$...............................Enter the total fortnightly cost of fuel,
electricity, phone, home and contents insurance.
$...............................Enter the fortnightly amount ofany child
support paid
Debt repayments (see liabilities)
Insurance and household utilities
Child support
$...............................Enter any other fortnightly expenses
Other expenses
Other expenses
Other expenses
$...............................Enter the total current balance of cash held at
date of application.
$...............................Enter the total amount of any investments.
$...............................Enter the total estimated value of your
furniture and personal effects.
Furniture and effects
Domestic and recreational vehicles
$...............................Enter the total value of any real
Residence / Real Estate
Other $...............................Enter the total value of any other assets you
hold, for example boats or other items of considerable value.
Other $...............................
Other $...............................
Total amount owed Fortnightly payments
Mortgages home $............................. $............................
Mortgages other $............................. $............................
Car Loans $............................. $............................
Personal Loans $............................. $............................
Credit card(s) $............................. $............................
Other $............................. $............................
Enter the total amount of any other liabilities, for example a loan from your parents. Enter the total fortnightly repayments
of any other liabilities.
Other $............................. $............................
Other $............................. $............................
Total $............................. $............................
$...............................Enter the total value of any cars,
motorcycles or other vehicles you own.
I do solemnly declare that the statements detailed in this application are
true to the best of my knowledge.
Date: ….………..
Attach email from Supervisor and CO endorsing your application
click to sign
click to edit