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602.542.1525 ● Within AZ 877.692.9762 ● Fax 602.542.1599 ● www.roc.az.gov
License Application (LLC)
Form RC-L-200B Page 7 of 8
Before you submit your application, please review the following checklist.
Missing documents will delay the processing of your application.
Review the License Application and ensure that it contains the following:
Exam Results. The Qualifying Party’s original exam results, or a Completed Waiver Form.
Background Checks. Copies of the payment transaction receipt from the background check for
every individual named in Part 3: Persons and the Qualifying Party.
Papers for Legal Entity. A copy of the LLC agreement.
Project Verification Forms. Correct number of Project Verification Forms (completed by the
Qualifying Party and a verifier).
Experience Verification Forms. Correct number of Experience Verification Forms, (completed
by the Qualifying Party and a verifier).
Bond. Completed original Bond Verification Form.
Fees. The required application fee and licensing fee
Government-Issued Identification. The Qualifying Party listed in Part 2, and e
listed in Part 3: Persons in this License Application must submit a
legible copy of a government
issued photo identification
with the application. Acceptable forms of identification include a valid
driver’s license or passport.
Signatures. Completed Signatures section (see next page).
Additional Part 3s: If there was insufficient space to enter all of the required information in Part
3 of this application, print out, complete, and attach additional Part 3s to your application.
Prior License Disclosure Forms. If ‘yes’ is selected for any of the Prior License Information
questions under Part 4, attach signed and completed Prior License Disclosure Form. Also include
forms and documentation of disciplinary resolution, if applicable.
License Cancellation Form.
If you currently have a license that you wish to cancel upon the
issuance of a new license, complete and attach a License Cancellation Form.
Felony Disclosure Forms. If ‘yes’ is selected for any of the Felony Charges questions under,
Part 4, attach signed and completed Felony Disclosure Forms and supporting documentation.
Unlicensed Activity Disclosure Forms. If ‘yes’ is selected for any of the Unlicensed Activity
questions under Part 4, attach signed and completed Unlicensed Activity Disclosure Forms and
documentation of remedial measures.
Letter Regarding Restricted License. To obtain a restricted license approval
an Applicant
must have prior written approval from the Registrar. The Applicant must submit the letter from
the Registrar approving a “restricted license,” if applying for a restricted license.
A copy of the solar warranty (if applying for a solar license)