ARIZONA Agricultural Best Management Practices
Total Average Annual Cattle Head:
Total Miles of Unpaved Roads:
Total Miles of Unpaved Access Connections:
Total Miles of Feed Lanes:
Total Acreage of Equipment Areas
Risk Dust Generation High Days BMP:
Applies and maintained water to pen surfaces on the day that was forecast to be high risk for dust generation by
the Pinal County Dust Control Forecast
How many days was this BMP applied? _______
Select the Best Management Practices for each category
Arenas, Corrals and Pens
Animal Waste Handling and Transporting
Concrete aprons
Provide shade in corral
Add water to pen surfaces
Manure removal
Pile manure between cleanings
Feed higher moisture feed to beef cattle
Control cattle during movements
Use drag equipment to maintain pens
Apply a fibrous layer
Wind barrier: Height ________ Length ________
Feed higher moisture feed to beef cattle
Add molasses or tallow to feed
Store and maintain feed stock
Bulk materials
Use drag equipment to maintain pens
Cover manure hauling trucks
Do not load manure when wind exceeds 15 mph
Unpaved Access Connections
Unpaved Roads or Feed Lanes
Install and maintain a track-out control device:
Type ___________ miles controlled __________
Type ___________ miles controlled __________
Apply and maintain pavement in high traffic areas:
Miles controlled __________________________
Apply and maintain aggregate cover:
Miles controlled __________________________
Apply and maintain synthetic particulate
Miles controlled __________________________
Frequency applied _________________________
Apply and maintain water as a dust suppressant:
Miles controlled __________________________
Frequency applied _________________________
Install engine speed governors on feed truck to 15 mph
Install signage to limit vehicle speed to 15 mph:
Miles controlled _________________________________
Install speed control devices:
Miles controlled _________________________________
Restrict access to through traffic:
Miles controlled _________________________________
Apply and maintain pavement in high traffic areas:
Miles controlled _________________________________
Apply and maintain aggregate cover:
Miles controlled _________________________________
Apply and maintain synthetic particulate suppressant:
Miles controlled ________ Frequency applied _________
Apply and maintain oil on roads or feed lanes:
Miles controlled ________ Frequency applied _________
Apply and maintain water as a dust suppressant:
Miles controlled ________ Frequency applied _________