As we state in the course, the best way to become a SuperLearner is to apply these skills to
real-world tasks. While games and exercises are great, they can’t compare to actually using,
testing, and modifying the techniques in the course to suit the unique challenges you face every
day. In fact, the #1 commonality among our most successful students is that they not only
apply these techniques in their own lives, but also customize them to suit their own needs and
learning styles.
Instructions: Below you’ll find a list of ideas as to how you can apply these skills in the real
world as you progress through the course, as well as some blank lines where you can add
your own.
Don’t get intimidated: Most of these challenges will be impossible in Week 1, when the only
technique you know is Chunking. They will only be “challenging” in Week 3, when you know
about markers and visualization. After Week 4, when you know how to use Memory Palaces,
most of them will be shockingly easy! This worksheet is designed to revisited as you stack
each mnemonic technique onto the last.
While it is not required homework to try every one of these exercises, it’s a great list to get
your started and inspire you. We do strongly recommend trying as many of these
memorization challenges, from as many of the categories, as possible, and whenever you can,
try them repeatedly throughout the course to see how you’ve improved.
© 2019 SuperHuman Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
Apply Your Skills In The Real World