All information provided will
remain confidential and used only for: a.) Eligibility determination, b.) Student demographics, c.)
record keeping, d.) needs assessment, e.) federal reporting, f.) other administrative purposes
Date: _____________________ Semester: ______Fall ______Spring Year: 20______
Student Status: ______New Freshmen ______Re-Admitted ______Transfer ______Continuing
Name: _________________________________________________ DOB: ________________ Age: ______________
Gender: _____ SS# _________________ Tribal Affiliation: ________________________ U.S. Citizen: Yes No
Permanent (Home) Address: ________________________________________________________
(Street/PO Box)
Lawrence Address:_____________________________________________________ Marital Status: Single/Married
Phone Number: (_______)_____________________ Email Address:
On-Campus Information: Dorm: _________________________Rm. #___________ Haskell Box#________
Participation in other TRiO programs: (check all that apply & give approximate date)
____Talent Search ___Upward Bound ___SSS ___McNair Scholars
Degrees & Diplomas Held: (Check all that apply)
GED HS Diploma-Yr.______
Associate's Degree
BA, BFA, BS, BGS Master’s or Doctorate
Other: ___________________________
Haskell Classification: Freshman
Junior Senior GPA: __________
Major: _______________________Have you applied for acceptance into this Haskell program? Y N
Income Status:
Are you receiving financial aid (i.e. PELL, etc) through the Haskell Financial Aid Office?
____ NO If no, why not? ___ Financial Reasons ___ Academic Reasons ___ did not apply for FAFSA
____UNSURE If unsure, why? ___Waiting for FAFSA results ___Need Assistance finding out
What is your Family Income per year? $ ____________ Family Size _______
First-Generation College Status:
Has your mother completed a bachelor’s degree or beyond? Y N Unknown
Has your father completed a bachelor’s degree or beyond? Y N Unknown
Or has your guardian completed a bachelor’s degree or beyond? Y N Unknown
Were you living with your mother prior to your 18
birthday? Y N
Were you living with your father prior to your 18
birthday? Y N
Were you living with your guardian prior to your 18
birthday? Y N
TRiO-Student Support Services
Haskell Indian Nations University
155 Indian Ave, Lawrence, KS 66046
Phone: (785) 749-8432 & (785)832-6670