© Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County Page 2 of 5 CRSA12i 082719
• Enter the date of your conviction. Enter the charges of your conviction.
• Information about your conviction may be found online at the Superior Court’s website:
http://www.superiorcourt.maricopa.gov/docket/CriminalCourtCases/caseSearch.asp. You
may also come to a Law Library Resource Center or Clerk of Superior Court location to look
up your case.
See: www.superiorcourt.maricopa.gov or http://www.clerkofcourt.maricopa.gov/copies.asp
for locations and more information.
1. Check a box to indicate whether this is your first felony conviction or whether you have other
felony convictions. If you have other felony convictions, identify the court and case number
of each case.
2. Place a check in the boxes that apply to your sentencing.
3. Place a check if you have completed probation. Be prepared to provide the order
discharging you from probation.
4. Place a check if you have completed all required terms of your sentence.
5. If you have not completed ALL terms of your sentence, use the lines provided to explain.
6. Place a check in the box if you served a prison sentence and have received a Certificate of
Absolute Discharge from Imprisonment from the Department of Corrections. Be prepared
to provide the order discharging you from prison.
7. Answer whether you have paid victim restitution in full. If you have not, then use the lines
provided to explain why not.
8. Answer whether you have paid all other court-ordered monetary obligations to your case.
This includes restitution or other criminal fines and fees. If obligations remain unpaid, use
the lines below to explain. You can get a financial statement and payment history from the
Clerk of Superior Court’s Criminal Financial Obligations Section. You may request a
payment history in person from the Criminal File Counter, South Court Tower, 175 West
Madison Street, 12th Floor, Phoenix, AZ 85003 or the File Counter, Southeast Regional
Court Facility, 222 East Javelina Avenue, Mesa, AZ 85210. You will need to fill out a request
and pay a fee, and the payment history will be sent to you. Contact Criminal Financial
Obligations for details and more options at (602)372-5375.