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Use this form to apply to defer lodgment and payment of payroll tax returns if
your business has been impacted by COVID-19.
Your business is eligible if you are
a non-grouped business with annual Australian taxable wages not exceeding $7.5 million
a grouped business with the group’s annual Australian taxable wages not exceeding
$7.5 million
Is your business eligible for the COVID-19 payroll tax deferral?
A business is directly or indirectly affected if the current turnover, profit, customers,
bookings, retail sales, supply contracts or other factors, compared with normal operating
conditions, have been directly or indirectly affected by COVID-19.
Has your business been directly or indirectly affected by COVID-19?
If yes, how has your business been impacted?
Have you lodged your March 2020 return?
Would you like your March 2020 return deferred?
Do you want to defer the remainder of your 2019-20 payroll tax
lodgment, and payment obligations, until 21 July 2020?
Applicant details
Submit your completed application via a web enquiry
Web Enquiry: www.osr.wa.gov.au/payrollenquiry Website: www.osr.wa.gov.au
Telephone: (08) 9262 1300 Country Callers: 1300 368 364 (Local Call Charges)
Post: Office of State Revenue, GPO Box T1600, PERTH WA 6845