GS.02.03-GradApplPacketPrint_24.00_2020 07.23.2020. nd
(This form must be returned with all applications for admission to Doctor of Ministry degree programs.
See required application components list at the beginning of this document.)
Applicant Name (type or print)
Student Number (Prior students of Global University)
Admission to Global University’s Graduate School of Theology to pursue a Doctor of Ministry degree is contingent
upon the applicant meeting all admission requirements for the DMin program, including verifiable evidence of having
completed at least three years of full-time Christian ministry (or its equivalent) prior to beginning studies in Global
University’s DMin program. This requirement will be satisfied by submission of the following components.
1. An extensive account/history of your ministerial background and experience that includes the following elements:
a. A listing of each location in which you have served in ministry, including the name of the ministry, its location,
the dates of service, a summary of the key activities and elements involved in that ministry, and the name(s)
and contact information of individuals who can verify the length and nature of your ministry service.
b. Identification of what you consider to be the three greatest accomplishments of your ministerial experience,
describing their impact(s) on those to whom you ministered and upon you individually.
c. Identification of the three greatest challenges or problems you have faced in your prior ministry service. Include
a detailed response to the question: “How have these challenges/problems helped me to become more effective
in ministry?”
Your name (as shown on the submission form) and the page number must appear at the top of each page, along
with the words “Ministry Background” (see the following example).
Alexander Johannes Wigglesworth page 1 Ministry Background
2. Verification of your “Good Standing” status with your ministerial credentialing authority (i.e., church, denomination,
or other Christian organization). This would normally consist of a letter stating that this status is accurate, signed by
an executive officer of the credentialing authority. It may also be satisfied by a copy of your current ministerial
certification that includes the date, your name, your ministerial status, and the signature of one or more executive
officers of the credentialing authority.
3. Your signed commitment to remain active in ministry throughout your tenure in Global University’s DMin
program, as indicated by your signature below.
Check the following items to indicate your agreement/compliance with each:
I hereby certify that the enclosed account/history of my ministerial background and experience is true and that
it correctly represents my work in Christian ministry, including the name(s) and location(s) where I served,
the date(s) of service, and key activities and elements of ministry for which I was responsible and/or in which
I was personally involved.
I certify that my ministerial credential status is current and that I am, indeed, in good standing as indicated
by the verifying document(s) that are included with this Ministry Verification form.
I affirm my commitment to remain active in ministry throughout the time period I am pursuing a DMin degree
from Global University.
If, at any time, active ministry becomes impossible during my DMin studies, I agree to immediately contact
the director of the Doctoral Studies program at Global University for his/her counsel.
Doctoral Studies Director signature
Ministry requirements met
Yes No