PAPERWORK REQUIREMENTS: If the Service Project Application is approved and teams perform the service project, the project sponsor
will be required to review and sign two additional documents: the Sponsor Agreement and the Project Completion Report. Sponsoring
organizations will also be asked to complete a survey to capture their evaluation of their partnership with AmeriCorps NCCC.
SPONSOR AGREEMENT: Once the Service Project Application has been approved, a formal agreement (called a
Sponsor Agreement) will be executed between the sponsoring organization and AmeriCorps NCCC, which will specify
the roles, responsibilities, and contributions of both parties. Teams cannot begin work on the project until this
agreement is approved by signature by both parties.
PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT: After the project is completed the project sponsor will be required to review,
approve, and sign the AmeriCorps NCCC Project Completion Report, and return it to AmeriCorps NCCC regional
campus staff within five (5) days of receipt.
SURVEYS: Project sponsors and secondary sponsors who have used the services of teams will be asked to complete
surveys designed to provide AmeriCorps NCCC with feedback that will inform continuous improvement of services.
OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS: The supporting materials requested below are OPTIONAL and will help AmeriCorps NCCC Regional staff develop
a better understanding of the project.
LODGING PHOTOS: Please provide at least one clearly labeled photo of the proposed team lodging. Applications
often include photos of team living quarters, kitchen and bath facilities and storage areas for personal belongings.
WORKSITE PHOTOS OR SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: If feasible, clearly labeled photos of work site tasks, maps of
service site locations (e.g. a camp map, community housing map, etc.), or similar supporting documentation.
DISASTER/FIRE RESPONSE: AmeriCorps NCCC members and staff are part of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and
American Red Cross National Disaster Response Network. In addition, AmeriCorps NCCC assists local, state, and national forest services
with wildfire suppression. Potential project sponsors should note that in the event of a natural disaster or homeland security crisis, members
may be recalled from projects to serve as part of the relief efforts. This could result in a decrease in the number of members assigned to
your project, a delay in the deployment of a team, or cancellation of a project.
LIABILITY AND WORKERS' COMPENSATION CLAIMS: The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) is a self-insured federal
agency that administers the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) program. Consequently, AmeriCorps NCCC Corps
Members, Team Leaders, and Federal employees of CNCS are covered by the provisions of the Federal Tort Claims Act (liability claims) and
the Federal Employees Compensation Act (workers’ compensation claims) 42 U.S.C. §12620 (b) & (c). Accordingly, any injuries or property
damage proximately caused by the negligence of an AmeriCorps NCCC Member, Team Leader, or CNCS employee will be assumed by the
United States Government, if it is determined that the negligent individual was acting within the scope of his/her official service activity or
employment at the time of the potentially compensable event. Similarly, any on-the-job injuries received by an NCCC member or federal
employee will be processed by CNCS and the Department of Labor.
WAIVERS: No member of an AmeriCorps NCCC Team (including any Corps Member or Team Leader) shall sign any document provided by
the Project Sponsor or any representative or employee of the Project Sponsor, including but not limited to: liability waivers, hold harmless
agreements, indemnification agreements, or employment-related documents. In the event that a member of an AmeriCorps NCCC Team
signs a document provided by the Project Sponsor or any representative or employee of the Project Sponsor, the signature on any such
document shall have no force or effect of law. Neither the Team nor any Team Leader or Corps Member thereof, may legally bind the
AmeriCorps NCCC Team or the AmeriCorps NCCC Program.
NON-DISCRIMINATION: A Project Sponsor receiving teams from AmeriCorps NCCC will comply with all federal statutes, including the National
and Community Service Act of 1990, as amended, relating to nondiscrimination, which includes nondiscrimination on the basis of race,
color, national origin, sex, age, disability, and in most instances, religion. CNCS prohibits all forms of discrimination based on race, color,
national origin, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity or expression, political affiliation, marital or parental status,
or military service. All programs administered by, or receiving Federal assistance from CNCS, must be free from all forms of harassment.
Project sponsors will be required to sign an assurance of non-discrimination as part of the Sponsor Agreement.
SERVICE PROJECT LIMITATIONS: In the course of performing a service project, members cannot engage in any project assignments that
involves direct fundraising, financial transactions, preparation of a grant application to CNCS or to any other Federal agency, or any political
or inherently religious activities.
The Service Project Application MUST be signed by the authorized representative of the sponsoring organization.
OMB Control Number: 3045-0010
Expiration Date: 10/31/2022
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