(A) Name, address and telephone number of applicant
(B) Drawn to scale showing scale used, north arrow, date and title of project
(C) Location, length and width of streets, alleys and easements
(D) Location and width of driveways and sidewalks
(E) Property lines and setback lines
(F) Location and dimension of buildings, parking spaces, landscaped areas and/or
open space
(G) Location of signs and design features
(H) Location of visual screens and design features if required or proposed
(I) Landscape designs and materials proposed
(J) Total square footage of the lot or lots, proposed buildings, parking spaces, sign
area, landscaped areas and/or open space areas
(K) Height of building(s), signs and visual screens
(L) Number of parking spaces proposed including handicap accessible spaces.
Has a previous application for a specific use permit been filed?
Yes No If Yes, Date:________________
I hereby certify the preceding information and any supporting documents submitted herewith are
true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
I acknowledge this application will not be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission
until: (i) required notices have been published and mailed identifying the scheduled public
hearing date; and (ii) all required submissions have been reviewed by City staff and all fees
______________________________ __________________________
e of Applicant Date
Filing Fee Due:
$150.00 - Residential $200.00 – Commercial/Industrial
Postponement by Applicant: Same as application fee
Make all chec
ks and money orders payable to the City of Universal City.
Fee Received: By: ____________
Appeal No.
Meeting Date:______________
Legal Notice:_______________
Revised 4/2020
If required by City staff, please attach two (2) sets of the site plan, no larger than 11” x 17”, of
the proposed use to include the following information:
click to sign
click to edit