(x) Title of development, date, north point, scale, name and address of record owner,
engineer, architect, land planner or surveyor preparing the site development plan.
(xi) The proposed use or uses of land, buildings, and structures and proposed location of
buildings and structures, including proposed grades, elevations, and facade treatment
of all proposed buildings and structures.
(xii) All proposed lots, easements, and public and community areas.
(xiii) All proposed streets with profiles indicating grading and cross-sections showing width
of drives or roadway, location and width of sidewalks, and location and size of utility
lines, according to the standards and specifications of the City of Lawrence. All
lengths shall be in feet and decimals of a foot, and all angles shall be given to the
nearest ten seconds or closer if deemed necessary to the surveyor. The error of closure
shall not exceed one to ten thousand.
(xiv) All means of vehicular ingress and egress to and from the site onto public or private
streets or ways.
(xv) The location and design of any off-street parking areas or loading areas.
(xvi) The location of all proposed water lines; valves and hydrants and all sewer lines or
alternative means of water supply or sewage disposal and treatment.
(xvii) The proposed location, direction, power, and time, of proposed outdoor lighting.
(xviii) The proposed screening and landscaping, including a planting plan prepared by a
qualified landscape architect or architect, if required by the planning board.
(xix) Proposed storm water drainage system together with engineering calculations for a 10-
year storm.
(xx) Proposed grading, including erosion control plans.
(xxi) For plans requiring site plan approval, the planning board may require the submission
of additional studies such as traffic studies, drainage studies, economic studies, or
environmental studies to enable it to complete its approval process and make the
required findings. The planning board shall determine the scope of such studies.
(6) The application, whether for review or approval, shall be accompanied by the required filing
fee as specified in the rules and regulations of the planning board when acting as a special
permit granting authority.
(7) The application shall be accompanied by a copy of all other approvals, permits, variances,
orders of conditions, licenses, and applications to other boards or to the state or federal
(8) The application shall be signed by the property owner , or the owner's agent with proof of
authorization to act as agent.
(9) Elevations depicting facade design, color scheme and use of materials shall be submitted.
(d) Contents of site plan – existing structure.
(1) Plans shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer, registered land surveyor,
registered architect, or registered landscape architect, as appropriate.
(2) Plans shall be on sheets no larger than 24 x 36 inches, at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet,
unless otherwise permitted by the planning board.
(3) Plans requiring more than one sheet shall include a key.