Please answer the following questions:
1. Have you ever taken a sabbatical leave? If so, when?
2. Have you ever taken any other kind of long-term leave? If so, when?
3. Have you been employed in this district for six (6)consecutive years?
Date Name ID# College/Center Assignment
Sabbatical leave options and amount of compensation requested in accordance with the applicable provisions of
the California Education Code and the Policies and Procedures of the San Diego Community College District.
A sabbatical leave is requested for the following period of the 20 _____ - 20 _____ school year.
Consult Your Campus Professional Advancement Committee for Specific Deadlines
(See Part V of Leave Procedures)
San Diego Community College District • 3375 Camino del Rio South • San Diego, CA 92108-3883
10 Month Employees
l Academic Year (50%)
Fall Semester Only (100%)
Spring Semester Only (100%)
Two non-sequential Semesters
within a 36-month period (50%)
11/12 Month Employees
Full Fiscal Year (50%)
1st 6 months of the Fiscal Year (100%)
2nd 6 months of the Fiscal Year (100%)
Quarter (Indicate 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th)
Two non-consecutive quarters (100%)
Two months in summer for 3 consecutive
summers (100%)
Adjunct Employees
Fall Semester Only
Spring Semester Only
Academic Coursework Retraining Research Teaching, Learning, & Appropriate Instructional & Student Services Activity
The Employee requests that sabbatical leave compensation to be paid under the plan checked below:
Option 1: If the leave is for a period of one year, the faculty member may receive compensation in two equal installments at
the end of the first and second year of service rendered in the District following return from leave. If the leave is for a period
less than one year, the faculty member may receive the total compensation at the end of the first year of service rendered in
the District following return from leave.
Option 2: Regardless of the length of leave, the faculty member may receive compensation in the same manner as if he/she
had remained in active service.
For Adjunct Faculty only: Compensation will be paid out in one semester equal to their average FTEF from the previous two
semesters worked. Adjunct faculty may not choose Option 1 or Option 2.
Purpose of Leave
Method of Compensation
Signature of Applicant (Sabbatical Abstract and Plan Attached)
Signature of Applicant: ___________________________________ Date: _______________
Click in the signature field above to sign digitally (or configure a new digital ID if signing for the first time.)
PLEASE DO NOT use the "Sign" (Pen Nib) tool above to initial, draw, or place your digital signature on the signature line.
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